
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Station 3

So, you've heard me talk about swim lessons on here and how my girl was doing such a good job.  Well, I have to go ahead and brag because in 8 lessons, my girl has advanced to Station 3!  Woo Hoo!  I'm so proud of my girl!  First, I can't believe she is actually doing it!  Secondly, I've learned that my girl can do absolutely anything she sets her mind to!  I think we as parents have a tendency to hold our kids back...not intentionally...but when they start screaming and seem really scared of an activity, we cave and coddle, etc.  Well, I highly recommend  having someone teach your child to swim.  In my opinion (it's my Blog so I can freely give it), teaching our children to swim and about water safety should be a top priority!  I just wish my parents had done it for me (not your fault Dad)!  I tease Zoe and tell her all the time that's she's going to have to teach Mommy how to swim!  The sad part?  I'm so not joking either!  She is amazing!  Daddy got to go for the first time yesterday and he was blown away!  I don't think he really believed me when I told him all she was doing in the pool!  Anyway, you can check out what my girl is doing by clicking here.  In the meantime, I'm going to hug on my little fish!