
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 01, 2011


Our 5 year old simply has no patience and it's something that we've worked on since the day she was born (or so it seems).  Anyway, she tends to keep asking for things until you either do what she asks or she gets in serious trouble because she has guessed it....PATIENCE.  Anyway, the other night we were getting ready for dinner and Zoe asked her Daddy to get her something to drink because she didn't have one yet.  Mark told her he would, but that he was in the middle of doing something and would get it for her in a few minutes.  She kept asking, etc., until Mark finally said, "Zoe, dadgum it please have some patience!"  Zoe immediately looked at him and said, "Daddy, I don't like to be called dadgum!"  By this point, she's crying and both Mark and I are laughing so hard that we start to cry.  Daddy had to sit down and explain how he was saying a phrase and wasn't actually calling her a name.  It was too funny.  I almost choked on my pretzels from laughing again while I was typing this out.

Fall Tune Up......

I'm sure those of you that either know my husband or have read this blog for any length of time, you know that he constantly calls things by another name than what they are actually called.  I've known this about him since the day I met him and it's one of the things that I adore most about him.  For instance, when we were dating we had tickets to go to a Predators hockey game.  Since the arena is downtown and I know my way around downtown (I work every day downtown), Mark let me pick the place to eat.  I took us to the San Antonio Taco Company, which is commonly referred to as "SATCO" by those of us who are downtown regulars.  Anyway, Mark loved eating there quite a bit.  So, a few days later he called me up at work and said, "Why don't we go eat at Texas Taco Pete's?"  I can't begin to tell you how hard I've laughed over the years at those types of statements because the boy is HYSTERICAL! 

The other night we were all hanging out in the bonus room and Zoe was talking about the months.  She's been talking about the months/days incessantly because we're on the countdown to Disney.  Anyway, Mark was talking about Fall coming up and all the things we had planned.  He said, "We'll go to Disney, have Halloween, Music & Mission and you'll get your Fall tune up with your swimming lessons."  I said, "What did you just say?"  By this point we're already laughing because we get a "Fall tune up" on our HVAC unit and Zoe has "Winter maintenance" classes with her swim instructor, Mr. Brendan.  Now maybe you'll understand why I tend to laugh nonstop around my house.

Papa Shoes......

My husband has been needing a new pair of shoes to wear to church.  It's pretty sad, but we're both in need of new clothes.  However, we tend to neglect ourselves and either save the money or spend it on our daughter.  I realize that's what you do and I don't begrudge it, it's just sad how much we actually neglect ourselves in that department.  But I digress because our lack of clothing isn't the point of the story.  So, Mark bought a new pair of shoes the other day and I must confess that I like them.  He's been eyeballing these shoes and finally gave in a bought them.  He brought them home, put them on for me and Zoe said, "Daddy, those are Papa shoes!"  I laughed until I cried.  My husband immediately said he was taking them back, but I refused to let him (I believe he was truly joking at this point).  It was just hysterical, but Mark pointed out to Zoe that he wears socks with his shoes and Papa doesn't to which she totally agreed!  Ha!  I'm sitting at work the other day and I get an e-mail from my sweet hubby telling me to check my phone.  This is what I saw:

I have no words.  I'm thinking he needed to be busy at!?
Again....I laughed until I cried!  Thanks for the laugh, Daddy!