
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Zoe's First Soccer Game - April 10, 2010

Zoe had her first soccer game on April 10, 2010!  Guess what else?  Her Nana & Papa came down to surprise her for her first game!  Do you know how wonderful it is?  I feel incredibly blessed that Zoe has a Nana & Papa that try so hard to be at everything for her!  We had a blast watching her!  I have to be honest and tell you that my child has a hard time making it through the entire game though!  The game consists of two 15 minute halfs and the last five minutes or so of the second half are torture for her!  Well, I say torture....but she was actually having fun doing everything but playing soccer.  She called out to all of us during the game and said, "Do you see my shadow?"  She then proceeded to chase her shadow all over the field while the game was going on around her!  The next episode?  She and another little boy on her team started playing tag while some of the other boys started playing in a dirt pile!  It was hysterical, but I enjoyed it so much!  And guess what else?  We won!!!

Zoe & Papa

Zoe and Her Team - Pregame Stretching

Zoe's Team.....The Titans

Zoe's First Soccer Practice

We decided it was time that our girl get signed up for some type of spring sport.  She absolutely loves to play t-ball (or as she calls it "baseball"), but she isn't old enough yet.  We decided we would sign her up to play soccer after talking with her about it.  We did a little research (I have to give Daddy credit for finding this organization) and decided to go with i9 Sports.  I highly recommend this organization, which puts emphasis on simply having fun.  I also like the fact they make parents sign waivers that they won't be obnoxious, disruptive, etc., at the games or they won't be allowed to participate.  How cool is that?  How many of you actually remember that "one parent" that you couldn't stand at sporting events because of the way they acted?  I can remember a few and I vow not to do that to my child.  I made myself a promise that I would be supportive (win or lose) and that I would be there to cheer her on! 

Zoe's first practice was on Friday, April 9, 2010, and she had a ball!  I kept telling her the whole way there that there would be times that she would get kicked, knocked down, etc., during soccer and that it was just part of the game.  I told her she needed to get up, brush herself off and go back out there and have some fun because that's what it was all about.  I also gave her a lecture on not being shy because Zoe will sometimes become suddenly show around kids and adults she doesn't know (she doesn't get that from me).  Anyway, we met Coach Amy and Coach Chaz and I must say we are beyond THRILLED with her team.  Coach Amy asked everyone, "What's the first rule of soccer?"  All the other kids (most have already played before) said, "Don't put your hands on the ball!"  Do you know what my child said?  She said, "Don't be shy!"  I totally lost it and started laughing because it was pretty funny! never know what they're going to come out and say!

I'm Ready to Play Momma!

Go Zoe Go!

Zoe and Coach Chaz...He's so good with Zoe!

Zoe Getting Her Uniform...She's #1
More Drills with Coach Amy!


On Easter morning we got up and went to church and had a WONDERFUL service.  I LOVE where we're going to church and Zoe really LOVES children's church.  She actually cries at the thought of not getting to go....which I think is a great thing!  I love the values we are instilling in our child and seeing them take hold!

What a Basket!

Can You Believe the Size of Those Ears?!?

My Beautiful Girl and My Handsome Husband

Looks Just Like a Princess

Good Friday

We spent Good Friday at home as a family just enjoying each other and reflecting on the true meaning of Easter.  Oh, how we are truly blessed!  We decided to color Easter eggs and have an Easter egg hunt in our back yard for Zoe.  We usually have Easter activities with the Peaks; however, they had company come in this year and we didn't get to do our annual tradition.  We missed them, but I do believe that Zoe truly had a wonderful time!  Below are some pics....

Getting Ready to Color Eggs

Look at Those Beautiful Eggs

Such Concentration

Our Finished Eggs

Running for Eggs

I Found Another One

Do You See More?

Made Out Like a Bandit

Friday, April 09, 2010


I realize I'm very behind in posting an update about my child and I promise I will get to it because I have LOTS to tell.  But, since I'm at work and not at my computer at home with all of my beautiful pictures and videos of my girl, you will just have to settle for the fact that I'm very excited to report that the following is due to be released.......

You guessed it....another book in the Twilight Saga!  I'm stoked!