
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hair Practice

I've had to try practicing with Zoe's hair in preparation for her recital.

Too cute, huh?

And we've had to switch and try sponge rollers. 
My girl didn't like the thought that something hot might burn her head!

Ballet Recital Costume

I seriously can't stinkin' wait!

Self Portraits

Each month Zoe has to draw a "self portrait" for the bulletin board at school.  The idea behind it is to see how far she has actually come throught the year.  I literally can't wait for them to come up each month, but I've gotten a little far behind in posting some of them.....

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

This Easter was pretty fun and special.  Both Mark and I work for great companies that actually close for Good Friday.  I have to admit that I couldn't stop thinking about God and the sacrifice he made by sending his only son to die on the cross so that all of us could be forgiven for our sins.  As a mom I simply can't fathom it. 

 We spent the weekend together as a family (when Daddy wasn't turkey hunting that is) and had a wonderful weekend!  Zoe still had dance on Friday since it's so close to recital time and Mommy got to get a facial (it's only the one Daddy & Zoe bought me for my birthday back last September...but who's counting?!?).  I have to admit that I see more facials in my future.  (Note to self...never get a facial when you have to be somewhere later because the hair gets greasy and has to be washed.)  And let's not forget that we also colored Easter eggs!  Daddy spent all day Saturday hunting so Zoe and I went to see Anna & Ashlyn play softball (those girls ROCK)!  Sunday was Easter and we went to church and then had the Riggs over for Easter dinner.  I have to admit that this was by far my FAVORITE Easter EVER!

By beautiful girl coloring eggs

That's fun!

What color will it be?

Don't splash the color everywhere!

What's on my hands?

I'm waiting patiently Daddy!

Thanks for helping me!

Beautiful eggs!

Can you believe how tall my girl has gotten?

I'm thinking the Easter Bunny went overboard!  You?

The Easter Bunny left a few carrots and drank all of his orange juice!

My beautiful, beautiful girl!

Zoe LOVES this book!

Daddy checking out her new book of Bible stories!

Model faces!

My gorgeous girl all dressed for Easter!

Can you believe how long her hair is?

My handsome, handsome husband and my beautiful girl!
Thank you God for my wonderful blessings!

Chair Races

I know you've heard me talk about my bestie, Shelley, and her twins, Anna & Ashlyn.  Anyway, I'm so thankful that we have girls that get along and play so well together.  Can you say score?  It allows us to get to spend more time together, which I love and can never get enough of!  Anyway, those girls are just like Shelley.  Case in point?  They came over not too long ago and we were all out back hanging out playing kickball, etc.  Anyway, the twins started to sit in my wicker chairs outside that had (obviously) dry rotted.  Anyway, one started to crack so Mark and I decided to sit in them and help complete the process of breaking the seats by pushing our butts through:0)  Sounds just like us, doesn't it?  Anyway, the twins then took the chairs and proceeded to have chair races.  They act just like their Momma!  Check them out:

Texas Hunt

I know most of you already know that I bought Mark a surprise turkey hunt for his 40th birthday.  He left for San Angelo, Texas on April 6th and didn't return until April 10th.  I think he had the time of his life.  When he returned he said, "Momma, you've awakened a beast.  I'm going to want to go every year now!"  Ha!  He had better start counting his pennies....

Mark's room with private bath!

Bar/Living Room/Kitchen

Dining Room

Another view of the kitchen

Another view of the bar/living room

The "bunkhouses" where the guides stay

Front view of the lodge

And, yes, Mark got a turkey...a Rio

Mark with his turkey

Mark and his guide, Greg

Check out those spurs

I can see why he'd want to go back! You?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flascal Ratts

You guessed it!  Zoe has coined another name for a country artist!  Zoe was riding with her Daddy this morning (remember....Thursdays are early days for me since Zoe has to get her allergy shot) and he called to tell me a funny story.  He said a song came on the radio and he asked her who was singing it.  Zoe replied, "Flascal Ratts!"  That kid is HYSTERICAL!  And she laughs just like me, which is LOUD!  Ha!

Tap Costume

On Friday, April 8th, Zoe had dance lessons.  Her dance recital is coming up the weekend of May 21st and she has been practicing her dances for months!  She takes ballet, tap and tumbling and absolutely loves it!  Anyway, she will be performing in two numbers (ballet and tap) during the recital at Belmont University and we've been waiting on her costumes to come in.  The first costume to come was her tap costume and I've got to say that it is adorable!  I also got to watch her perform her dance routine twice for me while wearing it!  I don't know what I'd do if Zoe were any cuter.....

I can't wait for the recital!

Fired Up

Since Daddy left town on April 6th and didn't return until April 10th, I took April 7th and 8th off work so I could spend a little time with Zoe.  Our girl was missing her Daddy so I decided to keep her as busy as possible to keep her mind off of things.  On Friday we invited her buddy Dane to join us and paint pottery at a place call Fired Up in Mt. Juliet.  Check it out:

We had so much fun!  I had a few things to pick up at Target and then we headed over to Chick-Fil-A for eating and fun.  Below are some pics I took with my phone of the Zoe & Dane.....

Kindergarten Registration

On Thursday, April 7, 2011, I can't believe I had to actually register my child for Kindergarten!  Where has the time gone?!?  I can remember her birth like it was yesterday and now here we are almost five years later!  Daddy was out of town for his surprise turkey hunt for his 40th birthday so it was just me and Zoe.  We were third in line to register and I didn't realize that they were going to perform some testing on Zoe.  Mrs. Robinson, the Assistant Principal, took Zoe back and she was quizzed on many things such as letters, numbers, shape recognition, recognition of body parts, her full name, address, date of birth, etc.  She was also tested on her gross motor skills such as jumping up and down on one foot five times and then the other, walking heel to toe, etc.  She was gone a little while and I was getting a little nervous when they finally came back.  Mrs. Robinson said, "Zoe passed with flying colors, she interacted with me extremely well and she is definitely ready for Kindergarten!"  WOW!  When we got outside I asked Zoe if she had missed anything and she said, "No!"  And she said it with the tone like "I can't believe you would even ask such a thing."  It was hysterical!  Here's a pic of my girl after she was done with her testing......

She is such a big girl!  Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you, Zoe!