
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Future Singer

Zoe's First Visit with Santa

Yes, I realize that she's four and has never been to see Santa.  Kind of sad, isn't it?  To tell you the truth, our girl simply has had no interest in seeing the big guy.  I mean, she was literally terrified of the point that it just wasn't worth the meltdown that would ensue if we had taken her.  This year?  She's been all about seeing Santa and telling him what she wants.  So, we took her to Bass Pro and she did wonderfully!  She marched right up and told him she wanted (1) A puppy pillow pet; (2) Rapunzel getting married; and (3) Marie Alicia from Barbie and a Fashion Fairytale.  That was pretty specific, huh?    Here are some pics I was able to take....

 Walking up the Red Carpet with Daddy
Telling Santa Her Christmas Wish List

Posing with Santa

 Zoe & Mommy

Working Hard on her Picture in the Winter Wonderland
She somehow persuaded us to get her a Rudolph...ahem...I mean Daddy!

The Cutest Dorothy Ever.....

I don't think I really need to say much you?

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Back!

Funny Things

Here are a few recent funnies from our funny girl....

"Mommy, can I have a bite of that chit chat?" 
Obviously she was referring to a Kit Kat.

"Whew, Mommy!  That's STRIPE!"
She came out with this when her Daddy instructed her to say something was "RIPE" when she smelled a stinky smell.

"Mommy, you're a conky cat."
She told me I was a "copy cat" while we were trick or treating on Halloween night.

Oh the things my girl can say.  I don't think I need to tell you just how hard I laughed at these.

A Proud Moment.....

I received the following e-mail from the director of McKendree on November 11, 2010 and I just had to share it:

"In our last safety class today, I pulled all of the safety story cards together and let children take turns teaching us the lesson from a card. Zoe about blew me away with her amazing memory. Not only did she remember the story in detail (and it was one of the earliest ones) but she remembered the children's names in the story. Luckily I have the story written on the back of the card because I can't remember the details and I've been doing this for 15 years. I double-checked to see if she was correct and she was.

Be proud of your little memory wizard!"

When I got to school to pick up Zoe, the director was waiting for me to tell me just how smart my child actually is.  She said she is amazed and that her memory retention skills and the way she can repeat facts back to you (even after months have gone by) are indicators that she would be an early reader, etc.  Now, don't you think that's a moment to be proud of?  Way to go Zoe girl!  Mommy & Daddy love you and are so proud of you!