
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Laughing at the Inappropriate

We know it's wrong and we can't help it.  Mark and I have been laughing at the most inappropriate thing involving our daughter.  We have a squirrel that dances and sings for Christmas.  He sings the song, "I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas....."  You get the idea.  Anyway, in all of my Christmas decorations I also have a sleigh that I set out, which Zoe has taken upon herself to pretend is a bath tub.  Zoe is attached to the squirrel and the sleigh and has played with both of them A LOT.  The other day Mark and I heard the following, "Oh little squirrel, do you need help washing your nuts?  Do you need me to wash your nuts for you, honey?"  I admit that I turned my head completely away from her and proceeded to lose it.  I had tears streaming down my face and so did my husband.  Yes, I realize it's inappropriate to laugh, but I'm not perfect and it was FUNNY.  Here's the reason for the laughter.....

Oh. My. Word.
I can't wait to tell Zoe this story one day when she's old enough to appreciate it.