
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a great day here in the Lawrence household!  We went to church at 2:00  and then came home and put out cookies and milk for Santa.  I do have to tell one funny story about Zoe.  On Christmas Eve we received communion at church.  I don't know about your church, but our pastor is pretty strict about whether or not you receive communion.  He believes you should be baptized, etc., before receiving it.  So, each time we get ready to have communion at church he gives the same lecture...."parents explain the importance to your children....not something to take lightly....shouldn't just let them take it for the sake of taking it..."  You get the gist.  Anyway, when it came time for Mark and I to take ours Zoe tried to take one, too.  I quietly explained why she couldn't, etc., and do you know what happened next?  My child is the only one crying loudly saying, "But I'm hungry!"  I have to tell you honestly that I was pretty much promising the moon just to get her to be quiet.  It was hysterical to say the least!  I hope I get to remind her of this story one day!

 Mommy & Zoe dressed for church
 My beautiful girl - what a blessing!
 The back of her gorgeous dress
 Decorating cookies for Santa
 It looks like she put all "happy faces" on the cookies for Santa
 Daddy's girl...I kept saying, "Add LOTS of icing Zoe!  Santa LOVES LOTS of icing!"
 I see she took my advice and added LOTS of icing and sprinkles!
Cookies and milk for Santa
 Santa came to visit!
Looks like Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk!