
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Tracy & Reba

I have a confession to make here....I really can't stand Reba McEntire.  I mean, I'm sure she's a great person and all, but I can't stand her voice when she sings.  It grates on my nerves....and it grates on Mark's nerves.  The other night Mark had flipped the station on the television ( wasn't on the Outdoor Channel) and had stopped to watch Reba perform on yet another awards show.  Mark said, "Her mouth looks like a snake."  I realize that sounds tacky, but Zoe said, "No, Daddy!  She looks like Ms. Tracy!"  Ms. Tracy is Zoe's best friend Meredith's Mommy.  Mark and I cried from laughing so hard.  Now, I'll ask you to make the comparison for yourself below.

This is Reba:

This is Ms. Tracy:

Pretty observant little toot, isn't she?