
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Share or Not to Share?

That is definitely the question. For my tens of readers out know I can share. Anyway, I was hesitant to share this story for one simple WONDERFUL father. Sometimes when I share stories with him that I think are hysterical, his response will be, "Sweetie, there are just some things your father just doesn't want to know about." Well, I'm sure this will be one of those, but I just can't help myself. I knew my precious mom, Sherry, would appreciate it so she was one of my first phone calls. Of course, she laughed so hard along with me that I had to get off the phone and concentrate on driving home through rush hour traffic!

Now, for the rest of the story........

As most of you know, I'm a little OCD (that's stating it lightly)! Anyway, I wash and dry my laundry EVERY DAY. I can't stand it if it's not done EVERY DAY. I've been known to run down and swap out clothes during commercials during a favorite television show! Yes, I know I should calm down about it, but I just can't help myself! Part of my OCD with laundry involves bringing home my daughter's sheet and blanket from school every day to wash. I started doing that when she was sooooo sick all of the time during that tumultuous first year. I don't know if that has made the difference or if it is just Zoe getting older and her immunity has been built up, but I like to think that it's a combination of both. I digress. Anyway, in doing my laundry every day, I pretty much know what is in my basket. One day last week I noticed I was missing something, but didn't think too much of it. Hmmmmm.......

When I went to pick up Zoe on Thursday, one of her teachers, Ms. Misti, came up beside me and said, "I've got a little something that belongs to you." I immediately responded, "(Big sucking in of air) You found my black panties!" She about dropped to the ground in laughter. She said, "WOW, Courtney." I said, "Well, I'm anti panty line. You do realize we're tight now, right?" She said, "Oh yeah. I almost hung them up on the Parent Board." And needless to say, I don't think it would've been possible to laugh harder than I did at that moment. You see, when Misti was pulling out Zoe's sheet to put on her mat for nap time, my black pair of panties came flying out of her little pale pink sheet. And, to top it all off? They are my skimpiest pair......they pretty much look like dental floss! (Thank you, Nikki! They were a gift with some lingerie right before my honeymoon! I know you know which ones I'm talking about......think black and red lingerie!) And, the director of McKendree was so excited it had happened to me because she knew I would have a great time with it!

So, do you see why I had to share? This story is tooooo funny not to share! Now, to my WONDERFUL father........I'm sorry if your face is red right about now. I just HAD TO SHARE this laugh! Love you LOTS!