
Saturday, November 08, 2008


I bought Zoe some Ugg boots the other day......okay, I'm not completely insane! I want my daughter to look cute and trendy, but I'm not about to buy her a pair of real Ugg boots for $150.00 plus dollars! I found these at Target and while they're not Ugg boots, Zoe thinks they are the greatest boots EVER! She thinks she's too cute wearing them and I must confess....I think she's the cutest thing ever! Can you believe how tall this child is? She completely towers over other two year olds! She has to get it from her Daddy because she for sure doesn't have my nubs. Thank God!

Cheese Mommy!
Such a Poser!

Too Freakin' Cute!


Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

Lovin' that deal you got! And the boots are SO awesome!