
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Girls Night Out

I have to say that I've got the greatest husband on the planet.  I realize all of you probably get sick of hearing me brag, but I'm very fortunate and I realize it.  I have a husband who realizes the importance of letting Mommy get a little "me" time in order to unwind and allow me to be the wife and mother I know I can be.  Anyway, I've been having some outings with the girls and we decided on this last one to let the husbands and kids crash, too.  Check it out:

Hello Sangria!

Zoe, Dane & London

Mr. Dane

Kim & Shelley

Michelle, Shannon & Kim
We were playing Taboo and Kim was going through the cards she had passed.  When she came to "Sigmund Freud" Shannon said, "That's easy!  I would've said the ones who were eaten by tigers!"  Ha!  That's Sigfried & Roy, Shannon!

The kids piled up watching a movie!
Zoe, Dane, Brenner & London

Michelle, Kim, Me & Shannon
I'm thinking Shelley had already left by the time the modeling sessions started!

Michelle, Kim, Me & Shannon
Another picture we forced my sweet hubby to take!

Kim & Shannon

Michelle & Griffey