
Monday, August 16, 2010

My Little Ballerina, Tumbler and Tap Dancer

Zoe has been asking to take dance classes for quite some time.  I had tried to get her to take dance before, but by the time she decided she wanted to, we were in the middle of soccer and then swim lessons.  So, I told her that she was going to have to wait until those things were over before she could sign up, which worked perfectly because I've since learned you have to register in the Fall and practice until the recital in the Spring!  Whew!  Anyway, Zoe's little best friend that was born on the same day as her, Meredith, takes dance at Hermitage Dance Academy so we signed Zoe up.  Now, they get to take dance together every Friday afternoon and they are two peas in a pod.  Check out my girl because she is too stinkin' cute.....