
Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Request for Prayers

My office manager and wonderful friend, Rosann Hurst, is currently undergoing a stem stell transplant at Vanderbilt. This past Wednesday she had the port put in place to receive the high dose chemo. She received her first dose of chemo on Thursday and is now receiving injections for the next 10 days (I think) in order to boost her production of stem cells so they can be harvested. Anyway, she's on probably every drug we can think of and will be going through a lot in the next 30 days. I talked to her on Friday and she sounded really good, but you'd have to know Rosann. She's tough as nails and with her faith and determination, I'd place my money on her any day. I know she's going to do great, but you just can't have enough people praying for you. So, please remember Rosann in the coming month while she goes through the process of the stem cell transplant....and it is quite a process. She is blessed to get to stay at home while this is happening; however, she is basically in seclusion. She can't be around anyone (except her sweet husband Bill) because there is just too big of a risk of contracting germs. Pray, pray, pray.
And on another request for prayers, I've got an important appointment on Wednesday and I'm a little nervous about it so I would ask for a few of those prayers, too. Please pray for a good appointment.
Also, my girlfriend Shelley has been really sick (along with her twin girls) and I would ask for prayers for her, as well. Another girlfriend, Nikki, needs our prayers also because her son, Zachary, is having a rough time right now. Most of you know Zachary and his story; however, feel free to check out his latest updates on his website under my "Sites I Like to Visit" section on my Blog.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers.


Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

Thanks for the prayers. And you know I'm sending some your way as well - especially for Wednesday.