My little stinker is getting to be entirely too smart! When we ride in the car, we have lots of music we listen to, but my Zoe girl is a big fan of country music, specifically Lady A, Keith Urban, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood. Anyway, the other day in the car we had the following conversation:
Zoe: "Mommy, will you play Carrie Underwood?"
Me: "Sure, Sissy!"
(At this time, I turn on Carrie Underwood - "Mama's Song")
Zoe: "No, Mommy! I said Carrie Underwood!"
Me: "Zoe, this is Carrie Underwood. You must be thinking of someone else!"
(At this point, I'm pretty sure she wants to hear Taylor Swift, but I want her to try to think of it herself.)
Me: "Zoe, the girl you want to hear starts with the letter "T." Can you think of it?"
Zoe: "Ummmm.....Terrie Underwood?"
I have to admit that I lost it. That kid is HYSTERICAL! I told her it was "Taylor Swift" and then she promptly remembered it by saying, "Oh Yeah!" It gets comical sometimes!
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