So, I know I've told the story about how Zoe lost her first tooth by promptly swallowing it while eating lunch. Well, she did it again! Mark and I took Zoe to eat after her dance lesson this past Friday night (March 25, 2011). We went to a place called Cori's Doghouse, which Mark and Zoe love. I'm not a fan of the ol' hot dog, but I'll suffer through it for them because they both can't eat enough of them. Anyway, it was while we were waiting for our food that Mark asked Zoe to let him pull her tooth that was loose and sticking straight out at that point. Zoe, obviously, told him no and started to get upset thinking he would pull it out. It amazes me that the child can get allergy shots without blinking, but she doesn't want him to pull a tooth that's dangling. Anyway, she was eating away at her hot dog, said something to Mark and he said, "Zoe, let me see your mouth." She stopped eating, showed him her mouth and we noticed the tooth was gone. She had swallowed another one! Zoe just said, "We'll just write another note to the tooth fairy, Momma!" And that's exactly what we did!
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