
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Zoe's Four Year Checkup

Oh my!  Where has the time gone?  I can't believe that my Zoe girl just had her four year checkup!  We went this morning to see Dr. Beveridge (who we absolutely love) and I was a little worried about what would occur at this appointment.  I knew that the state of Tennessee had changed shot requirements and I wasn't too sure whether or not our girl would have to get shots.  She point blank asked me if she was going to have to get shots and I had responded that I wasn't sure.  She started to get really upset, but I told her not to worry about it.  I don't believe in lying to her and telling her she's not going to get any when she might.  I've found with my child that it's best just to face up to it.  Of course, that doesn't work for every parent, but it is what has worked for us.  Anyway, I digress. 

I knew Zoe was going to have her blood pressure checked, her weight checked, her height measured, etc., but I wasn't sure about the shots and I wasn't too sure about how she would react to peeing in a cup again.  If you don't remember my post from last year, you can check it out here.  But you know what?  I found I was worrying over nothing because my girl was AWESOME!  She was such a big girl.  She sat and talked it up with Dr. Beveridge and she handled all of the tests like a pro!  Her weight was 42.5 lbs (90th percentile) and her height measured at  42 1/4 inches (93rd percentile).  For those of you a little slow like me, my child is 3 feet 6 1/4 inches tall!  Holy Cow!  Where does that height come from?!?  It is certainly a blessing that she has continued to grow like she has considering all the times she has had to be on inhaled steroids and oral steroids.  Both Dr. Beveridge and I are very thankful for that!  Anyway, after consulting my list of questions and making sure I had gone over everything, we left with great big hugs for Dr. Beveridge and I took Zoe back to school.  The cutest part of the day?  Zoe got to wear her first "paper gown."  Check it out....

Thank God for a great checkup!