
Monday, June 07, 2010

Papa's Age

When my parents were down to take care of Zoe last weekend while Mark and I went to the concert, Papa told me that he asked Zoe had old she was and she said, "Four!"  Papa said, "Do you know how old I am Zoe?"  Zoe replied, "Four!"  Papa said, "Not quite!  I'm 66!"  He said Zoe thought for a minute and said, "That sure is a long time Papa!"  Needless to say, Nana REALLY got a kick out of it!  When they were here this past weekend for Zoe's birthday party, Papa asked Zoe, "Zoe, how old is Papa?"  Zoe said, "62!"  Papa said, "I'm realy liking this....I've just gone back four years!"  Keep in mind that this was on Friday night.  Saturday morning Papa decided to ask Zoe the same question to which she replied, "92!"  I'm thinking Papa is going to stop asking now!  What do you think?  Ha!