Today as Mark, Zoe and I celebrate Thanksgiving, I am forever grateful that I have both of them and that they are healthy (and I am healthy). I am forever grateful that we have a warm house and wonderful food to eat (yes...I'm proud to say I prepared it). I'm thankful that both Mark and I have great jobs that allow us to afford a good life. We don't want for much and I'm ashamed when there are times when we grumble about this or that and then I look around and see that we are most fortunate in this struggling economy. I'm grateful to have the best parents in the world and ones that love all three of us unconditionally and without judgment. I'm thankful for all of Mark's family and I'm grateful for wonderful friends and their children. And I'm very grateful to live in the best country in the world! We are truly, truly blessed.
So, I asked Zoe this morning what she was thankful for after speaking to her about the perils of the world and how fortunate we truly are for all we have (well, as much as you can to a three year old). What does my three year old say? She says, "I'm thankful for my Snow White house (apparently the new name for her Barbie house) and my Snow White Barbie (apparently something else she has added to her ever growing list) that I'm going to get for Christmas." I say, "Zoe, that's nice, but you are supposed to be thankful for things you already have." So, Zoe ponders it for a moment and says, "I'm thankful for Handsome Prince's clothes." And there you have it. If you go back and read this post, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Thankfully, Daddy solved the problem of Handsome Prince's lost pants by going and buying him a new outfit a few weeks ago! Ah, the things we are thankful for!