I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had on Halloween this year. Our great friends, The Cassidys (Rich, Lisa & Ava), had another Halloween bash at their house. Mark took his 4-wheeler over and we had the "hay ride" again while taking the kids trick or treating. Good times were had by all. Below are some great pictures from the night.....I think you'll notice that the costumes were stepped up another notch this year. Well, I think that's an understatement. I'm disappointed that I didn't get more pictures, but I did the best I could! First and foremost, here is Snow White...the cutest one EVER!

Below is the witches brew (a/k/a chili)....The Cassidys go all out don't they?

Mark and I (and many other couples we know) are BIG fans of the HBO series True Blood. Anyway, we decided to dress as some of the characters this year. By far, the funniest one was Mark who decided to dress up as the character Lafayette. Look below for a comparison and I think you'll agree.....

I dressed as Sookie Stackhouse...the telepathic waitress from the series. I think I did pretty good, don't you? Of course, I wasn't near as funny as Mark....I don't know that anyone was as drastic as Mark!

Judd dressed as Sookie's boyfriend, Vampire Bill Compton. I think he did great, don't you? Oh...and little Seatharoni was the cutest dragon ever!

One of my best buds, Julie, dressed as Maryann Forrester from the series. Those of you that watch the show will totally get how she's dressed. And, yes, Lafayette just had to pose...again!

We also had the most beautiful fairies! Shyla & Mya dressed up as fairies, but I don't have a picture of Mya where she's looking at the camera. Poor Myra is VERY shy, but that's okay. She looked beautiful and below is the beautiful fairy Shyla!

Our hosts, Rich and Lisa, were dressed as "Mummy & Dead-dy" complete with coffin and duck tape! My first question to Lisa was, "Oh my gosh! How do you pee?" Sounds just like me, huh?

We had the best animal rescuer around for miles....Ava!

We also had Cruella Deville and one of her dalmatians! Good thing there was only one so I don't guess she'll be getting that coat this year!

We also had a "boom box boy" with a total throw back to the 80s! Isaac did great and his costume was totally wired for sound! He's so smart! We had great jams for Halloween...complete with the King of Pop....Michael Jackson!

And what would a party be without Elvis and Priscilla? Of course, the King got a little upset when he found out Isaac's boom box didn't have any of his hits on it. And we had a rule at the house for the evening....if Elvis was in the bathroom for longer than 2 minutes, we had to go check on him because he didn't want to repeat history!

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf showed up with lots of goodies!
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