
Friday, June 15, 2012

The Allergist & The Dermatologist

Zoe had her six month checkup with her allergist, Dr. Sanders.  To say that it went well would be an understatement!  He was so pleased with her progress!  He took her off of Flonase (only use when needed), said we could try to take her off of Singulair in July just to see how she does and she only has to get shots now once every three weeks!  That is such a huge blessing!  I prayed for her to have a good appointment and God definitely listened!

Zoe with her "feathers" from Dr. Sanders

I don't know how many of you know this, but our girl has a mole on the back of her head.  I don't like the looks of it and never have since it appeared when she was 3.  I've always had her pediatrician check it out, but I've never felt comfortable with it.  It's not that i don't trust her because I do (she's the best), but I wanted a doctor to look at it where that's their only focus.  I took her to see Dr. Hu at Cumberland Skin and she completely reassured me.  She said moles that looked like this one were normal; however, she would like to keep a check on it once per year to make sure that it's growing "with her" instead of "ahead of her."  I'm thankful that I took her because it has given me peace of mind!  Praise the Lord for good news!