For those of you who know me and my sweet hubby well, you know that Mark does some pretty funny stuff. The best part? He does most of it in his sleep and it's always funny. Ummmm, that would be an understatement to say the least. And last night was no exception......
I'm guessing it was around 12:25 or so this morning when all of a sudden Mark wakes me up because he seems to be literally karate kicking something. And I don't mean that he was just barely kicking his leg either. He was literally bouncing me up and down in the bed and I felt like I was riding a buckin' bronco. I shook him and asked him if he was okay. He responded, "yeah, I'm okay" and rolled back over to go to sleep. Well, I'm a little bit awake by this point because I've just been woken up from a deep sleep by my ninja husband and my heart rate is up there quite a bit. He has just literally scared the daylights out of me. It takes me a minute to calm down, but I manage and start to relax and fall back asleep. Well, that is until all of a sudden I hear this......
I have no words for it, but that's what my sweet hubby did next. I just started laughing - hysterically. And, yes, I know I laugh loud and like a hyena so I'm surprised that I didn't wake my daughter up. My hubby wakes up at this point, realizes what he has done, and joins in with the laughter. My hubby doesn't laugh easily, but he has this great laugh that I managed to catch on video once upon a time.......
So, yes, that was what the Lawrence household was up to at 12:30 this morning.
By the way, I love my iPhone! It allowed me to imitate what I heard coming out of my husband. He sounded like he was possessed.
By the way, he said he was "screaming" at a ghost that kept messing with him and, at one point, locked him out of the house!
This story just keeps getting better and better!
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