
Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Year's Eve 2011

I think New Year's Eve was a little low key this year.  Steve and Patty always come to visit us, but they were unable to get down here this year.  So, we just had the Riggs over to spend the night, eat yummy treats and play lots of games.  Anyway, it was the girls against the guys and they kicked our butts!  I'm going to blame it on the gummies....don't you agree Shelley?  And I was so into the games and into laughing the entire night away that I snapped very few can't count the ones that I took from underneath the table since I was trying to distract the boys.  Can you?  TeeHeeHeeHee!

Why, yes, that's a Care Bear from our Totally 80's Trivial Pursuit Game!

So serious!  Mark was bound and determined not to lose this year!