I'm sure those of you that either know my husband or have read this blog for any length of time, you know that he constantly calls things by another name than what they are actually called. I've known this about him since the day I met him and it's one of the things that I adore most about him. For instance, when we were dating we had tickets to go to a Predators hockey game. Since the arena is downtown and I know my way around downtown (I work every day downtown), Mark let me pick the place to eat. I took us to the San Antonio Taco Company, which is commonly referred to as "SATCO" by those of us who are downtown regulars. Anyway, Mark loved eating there quite a bit. So, a few days later he called me up at work and said, "Why don't we go eat at Texas Taco Pete's?" I can't begin to tell you how hard I've laughed over the years at those types of statements because the boy is HYSTERICAL!
The other night we were all hanging out in the bonus room and Zoe was talking about the months. She's been talking about the months/days incessantly because we're on the countdown to Disney. Anyway, Mark was talking about Fall coming up and all the things we had planned. He said, "We'll go to Disney, have Halloween, Music & Mission and you'll get your Fall tune up with your swimming lessons." I said, "What did you just say?" By this point we're already laughing because we get a "Fall tune up" on our HVAC unit and Zoe has "Winter maintenance" classes with her swim instructor, Mr. Brendan. Now maybe you'll understand why I tend to laugh nonstop around my house.
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