
Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

This Easter was pretty fun and special.  Both Mark and I work for great companies that actually close for Good Friday.  I have to admit that I couldn't stop thinking about God and the sacrifice he made by sending his only son to die on the cross so that all of us could be forgiven for our sins.  As a mom I simply can't fathom it. 

 We spent the weekend together as a family (when Daddy wasn't turkey hunting that is) and had a wonderful weekend!  Zoe still had dance on Friday since it's so close to recital time and Mommy got to get a facial (it's only the one Daddy & Zoe bought me for my birthday back last September...but who's counting?!?).  I have to admit that I see more facials in my future.  (Note to self...never get a facial when you have to be somewhere later because the hair gets greasy and has to be washed.)  And let's not forget that we also colored Easter eggs!  Daddy spent all day Saturday hunting so Zoe and I went to see Anna & Ashlyn play softball (those girls ROCK)!  Sunday was Easter and we went to church and then had the Riggs over for Easter dinner.  I have to admit that this was by far my FAVORITE Easter EVER!

By beautiful girl coloring eggs

That's fun!

What color will it be?

Don't splash the color everywhere!

What's on my hands?

I'm waiting patiently Daddy!

Thanks for helping me!

Beautiful eggs!

Can you believe how tall my girl has gotten?

I'm thinking the Easter Bunny went overboard!  You?

The Easter Bunny left a few carrots and drank all of his orange juice!

My beautiful, beautiful girl!

Zoe LOVES this book!

Daddy checking out her new book of Bible stories!

Model faces!

My gorgeous girl all dressed for Easter!

Can you believe how long her hair is?

My handsome, handsome husband and my beautiful girl!
Thank you God for my wonderful blessings!


Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

Definitely one of our most favorite Easter's too! Thanks for letting us crash your dinner. We'll be eating ham for another month!