So, I know I've blogged about how our family loves to watch America's Funniest Videos (AFV) on Sunday nights. It's something we can all watch and enjoy and Zoe finds the videos hilarious. Anyway, this past Sunday was the $100,000.00 grand prize show. You know, the one where all the videos from the past season (that each had already won $10,000.00) are shown and then the ultimate winner is chosen. While I find that most of the videos chosen to win $10,000.00 are not very funny, I like the "filler" videos because they are HYSTERICAL! What might you ask does all of this have to do with the title of this post? Well, there was a "filler" video of a little boy (not sure if he was wearing a diaper or underwear), that had stuck a fake snake in the front part of his pants (either diaper or underwear) and was smacking the door frame with it, the wall with it, etc. I laughed until I was absolutely one of the funniest videos I've ever seen on the show. Now, my three year old couldn't understand what was so funny about it. I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying (I mean like a waterfall people) and then I resort to snorting. My husband is having the same reaction. Meanwhile, our three year old points at the television and says, "Eeewwwww, he has his potty train sticking out, Mama!" I don't think at this point it was possible to laugh harder, but I'm pretty sure I did. I don't know where she came up with the term, but I had to blog about it. I do turn this into a scrapbook every year and this was too good to pass up! Hope you've enjoyed this as much as we have in the Lawrence household!
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