So, the other night Mark, Zoe and I were watching America's Funniest Videos, which we often watch as a family because we can all laugh and it's generally very clean. Anyway, there were some invididuals who had a video camera and were in a cemetary. They hid half of their bodies behind a marble stone and made "funny" motions with their arm and leg that was not hidden behind the marble stone. Well, since marble is shiny it was pretty hysterical. One guy made himself look l ike he was floating and my three year old turns to us and says, "Hey, that guy can levitate!" I said, "What did you just say?" And, of course, she repeated it word for word. I WAS FLOORED! What three year old knows to use the word "levitate".....let alone what it actually means. I turned to Mark and said, "We're going to have to eventually go back to school just to keep up with her." We're in trouble.....
Oh is pretty sad when your 1st grader comes home from school with math homework and you have to consult the internet for the right answers. We have a LONG road ahead of all of us!
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