
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ginny Pig......

Mark and I have been riding to work together to try to save money on gas. Not that gas is exhorbitant right now, we're just trying to be "smart" with money in this current economy. Driving two different vehicles to locations that are literally five to seven miles apart doesn't make much sense. But, I digress.....

On our way to drop Mark off at work, Zoe was sitting in the back looking at a book with pictures of several animals. Following was our conversation:

Zoe: "Mommy, look at all the animals!"

Mommy: "Cool, huh?"

Zoe: "Mommy, look at the horses!"

Mommy: "I see baby! Aren't they beautiful?"

Zoe: "Mommy, do you like Ginny Pigs?"

Mommy: "I sure do like Ginny Pigs!" (a/k/a Guinea Pigs)

Of course, I had to say all of this without falling out of my seat from laughing. I bet you'll call Guinea Pigs....Ginny Pigs now!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Z - O - E....What's that Spell?

Every night I work with Zoe on her letters. She knows all of her uppercase letters and about 3/4 of her lower case letters. Of course, the lower case letters can be a little tricky. Anyway, I've been working with Zoe on writing her letters. I took my buddy Julie's advice and began with her name. I'm so proud to say that that practice has paid off because my child wrote her name for the first time all by herself.....well, wrote it where you knew exactly what she was spelling! Check it out....



You've heard me talk about Zoe and Dane before.....if you've forgotten, you can check out the post by clicking here. Anyway, I took Zoe into school the other day and Dane's mom said, "I wish someone had a camera." I said, "I just so happen to have mine in my car. What's up?" She said, "Take a good look at Dane." I couldn't help myself because I completely lost it. Dane had gotten hold of his mom's lipstick and gone to town. It was hysterical! Of course, Zoe wanted in on the picture, too. She loves Dane!

I just know Dane's dad is so proud!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001 - We Should NEVER Forget

We live in a world today that has been forever changed, forever changed by terrorism and the acts of violence that took place on September 11, 2001. We should never forget.....never forget the victims and never forget the acts of heroism that took place on that awful day. And we should not become complacent when it comes to terrorism and/or terrorists.....a direction I fear we are already headed with this administration. We live in the best country in the world and there are MANY who do not like democracy! Again, we should NEVER forget.....

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Daddy & Softball

Mark has started playing softball on Wednesday nights in Hendersonville with his good buddy Shannon. Anyway, last Wednesday (September 2nd) Mark was playing third base and took a line drive right to his knee. He was lucky that it didn't hit him directly on the knee cap, but he did get a rather nasty bruise and it was swollen. Before Mark left last night to play softball he was loving on Zoe and following was their conversation:


"Zoe, I love you. Daddy is going to play softball with Mr. Shannon and he won't be home before you go to bed. Give me some hugs and kisses...."


"Oh Daddy. Are you going to get another boo boo?"

Now, how funny is that?!? My buddy Shelley said it best when she said it was out of the mouths of babes.......