I know you've read all about my favorite game before - CRANIUM!

Now, how could we possibly let our friends come to our house and not play a fabulous game of Cranium! Of course we played in our usual fashion, which is always the guys against the girls. I'm sad to say that the boys did beat us, but just barely by the skin of their butts! AND I have to tell about the funniest part of the evening. Both of Mark's childhood friends are engineers. Carter is an engineer in the Air Force and Lueken is an engineer and part owner of his own land surveying/engineering firm. That means that they are SMART! In fact, both of them are scary smart sometimes. But....I digress.
You know when you draw a Sensosketch (drawing with your eyes closed) that the team giving you the card reads what you are drawing and then passes the card to the designated team member who will be doing the drawing in the hopes that their teammates can guess the object. Cam volunteered to draw. Well, I shouldn't say "volunteered" but he was "forced" to participate by his teammates. So, Cam looks at the card that the gals have passed to him and proceeds to draw. As time runs out, the boys failed to guess what he had drawn. He was supposed to have drawn a "Snowshoe." However, Cam.....being the engineer and smart, smart, smart, smart, smart, smart, smart boy that he is.....drew the actual picture from the "Creative Cat Category." We laughed until I think we had our adult beverages running out of our noses. AND I just had to keep that drawing beside me for the entire evening. Anytime Cam would say the phrase "I can't believe you didn't guess that" I would simply hold the drawing up for everyone to see. AND what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't snap a picture of it to share with everyone?!? Here you go.....

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