While Zoe was at school on Monday I got a call from her teacher wanting to let me know that she had been running with a friend in the gym and done a face plant in the gym floor. She wanted to call and let me know because she didn't want me to get to school and see it without knowing what had happened. She knows me pretty well, doesn't she? Anyway, I would consider this Zoe's first huge "boo boo." The funny part in this? One of Zoe's new favorite sayings is "no way!" Heather said she tried to put ice on it and Zoe wasn't having it. She then tried to give her a teething ring (like you would give a baby) that had been in the fridge to see if she would put that to her lip. Zoe's response? You guessed it....."no way!" That sounds just like my Zoe. She considers herself such a big girls now. This pic was taken on the first day. It actually looked pretty gnarly on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm happy to report that it seems to be much better today.
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