My little Zoe has become a VERY picky eater! She was NEVER like that before, but since she's reached the toddler stage, anything with a different texture is a definite struggle to get her to eat. She flat out refuses to eat meat so I have to come up with different ways to make sure she gets a little protein in her diet. I decided to try some black beans and she LOVED them. Of course, I didn't want to give her too many for fear of what it might actually do:0) Anyway, whenever Zoe is done eating, she begins to feed Prince. I try not to laugh and find myself having to turn my head quite a bit when I'm trying to scold her for doing it because poor Prince just loves it and she loves feeding him. Anytime she sits in her booster seat, he scoots it across the floor as quick as he can to be right beside her. He knows he's going to get something to eat! I managed to grab the camera and take a few pics of Zoe eating her black beans and of her feeding Prince! Enjoy!
They are quite the dynamic duo - funny! And glad she is liking those black beans. My girls loved them too.
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