We gave Zoe prunes for the first time on New Year's Day. She wasn't too sure she liked them, but we decided to try them. Daddy has been fighting me on giving them to her because he said he didn't like them and that meant she didn't have to eat them either. Me? I don't want her to be anything like me....a picky eater so I want her to try everything. That's something that my wonderful father instilled in me years ago. I didn't appreciate it then, but he told me that I didn't have to eat all of it, but I had to try it. He always asked me, "How do you know you don't like it if you don't try it?" Now being a mother, I understand where he was coming from. Anyway, Daddy gave in and we gave Zoe her first taste of prunes. She wasn't too sure of them and now Mommy and Daddy have decided that they definitely don't like them. Yes....the prunes worked wonders for her colon! Yuck! I think I'll keep what I have in case she NEEDS to eat them. I don't think I'll just be giving Zoe prunes on a regular basis!
Ewwwww....Plums were always a favorite of mine, but not prunes.
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