I never paid much attention to the saying "time flies," but it really does. This Monday Zoe will be 4 months old! I can't believe it! She has REALLY changed and her little personality comes out more and more every day. She is cooing, talking, squealing, screaming, laughing, smiling and doing so many other things. She is rolling over from her stomach to her back now and is really starting to like staying on her belly when we have "tummy time." She can really hold herself up well and just talks the whole time while she's doing it. She kicks her legs while on her tummy and scoots herself all the way across her blanket. Before you know it, she has reached the carpet. Mark is convinced she'll crawl soon because of what she does..........Mommy thinks she still has a way to go! Anyway, it gets harder and harder to leave her at day care every day. I know she's in GREAT hands (I love my day care), but I almost feel like I'm dropping my child off to be raised by someone else. I really try not to feel guilty about it because it takes two to make it in this world anymore.......it's just hard sometimes. Today when I walked in she was in the swing just talking and smiling. When she saw me she really started to smile. I love those moments and have learned to cherish them. I've changed so much.....when she's awake, I literally don't do anything else except play with Zoe. I figure the rest can be done when she's sleeping. I miss enough all day long and I refuse to miss any time with her while we're at home. Okay....enough whining. I've attached pics of Zoe playing with Mommy. She is just adorable! Enjoy!
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