My poor little Zoe has gotten her first cold! This past Friday was my "trial run" at dropping her off at day care to see how we both would do. I dropped her off for two hours and we both did good. I then put her in the church nursery for the first time this past Sunday since our Sunday School Class was having pics made. Let me just say that I've managed to keep Zoe well for the entire three months I've been at home with her. I didn't even get her out until she was 9 weeks old (unless it was for a doctor appointment for her or myself) and I'm scheduled to start back to work on Friday, September 1st. Now, I put her in day care and she's sick! I had been told this would happen by many close friends, but I think I was in denial. I can't believe her first time in a day care and she ends up sick! Her left eye is runny and full of gunk and she is pretty stopped up. Thank God she hasn't run a fever! I feel so bad for her because there really isn't much you can do except suction her nose and put saline drops up her nose to help break up the stuff. But you wouldn't know my little Zoe felt bad because she sure has been happy. Other than the fact that she's sleeping a little bit more, she acts like the same old Zoe. Say some prayers that my little one gets well fast! I think I hate it more than she does that she's sick!
Poor Zoe! And poor Mommy & Daddy because I'm sure she isn't sleeping well either.
I remember when my girls started day care and the same thing happened. The only good thing about it is that getting small illnesses (colds, mild flu, etc.) does help build their resistance. That's not much of a silver lining, but that's all I have.
We'll keep you all in our prayers - as always.
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