Mark and I have been having lots of conversations with Zoe about strangers. In today's world, we feel it's very important to have these discussions with her. In the past week alone, there have been three Amber Alerts issued in the Nashville area. It's enough to drive you insane if you let all of the bad stuff in this world bother you. Anyway, we periodically ask Zoe what she should do if approached by a stranger. We give her scenarios like what she would need to do if a man told her he had some baby kittens in his car that he wanted to show her, etc. You get the idea.
This morning on the way to work, we were stopped at a stoplight when a man walked across the street in front of us. Following was the conversation:
Daddy: "Zoe, who is that man?"
Zoe: "He's a stranger!"
Daddy: "What should you say to him if he tries to talk to you?"
Zoe: "Don't talk to me! You're a stranger! I don't know you!"
Daddy: "Zoe, that's GREAT but I think you should shout it at him so other people can hear you."
Mommy: "You should scream STRANGER and tell him not to talk to you."
Daddy: "Yeah....say it in your outside voice."
Zoe: (Screaming as loudly as she can) "OUTSIDE VOICE!!!!!!"
Daddy: "No sweetie....scream "you're a stranger" in your outside voice."
By this point, Mommy was absolutely worthless because I was crying with laughter. My child never ceases to amaze me!