Daddy and I decided it would be fun to draw with chalk on our back patio. We had such a good time and here are the results of our efforts.....
Friday, June 26, 2009
So, Zoe and I decided we would brave Hell-Mart (a/k/a Wal-Mart) and try to save a few dollars by bargain shopping. I usually always hit Target and Kroger every weekend; however, I tend to buy a lot more than I need (mostly at Target because it's my favorite store). Since I'm trying to be frugal, I thought I had better stay out of my favorite store and try something different. I thought I would try going to a store I hate (sorry to all you Wal-Mart lovers) where I would only buy what we needed so I could get out of there. I'm proud to say that the shopping trip was a HUGE success, but we ended up getting home late.
While Zoe was taking a bath late last night at 8:30 p.m. (she's usually in bed by 8:00 p.m.), I let her play for a few minutes when we were finished with the "necessities." Zoe turned to me in a serious face and said, "Mommy, I need some more bubbles." I told her that the bubbles were all gone and that it was time to get out so we could get in bed. I told her that the bubbles even knew when it was time to get out and that's why they disappeared. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, don't tell me a fib!" I admit I tried to hold a straight face, but completely lost it. I was laughing so hard at her and she kept asking me, "Is Zoe funny?" You might be asking yourself why I found that to be so funny. Well, my child watched Pinnochio for the first time on Wednesday night where she learned all about what happens when you tell fibs. Now you know why I found it so hysterical! I got taught a lesson by a three year old!

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While Zoe was taking a bath late last night at 8:30 p.m. (she's usually in bed by 8:00 p.m.), I let her play for a few minutes when we were finished with the "necessities." Zoe turned to me in a serious face and said, "Mommy, I need some more bubbles." I told her that the bubbles were all gone and that it was time to get out so we could get in bed. I told her that the bubbles even knew when it was time to get out and that's why they disappeared. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, don't tell me a fib!" I admit I tried to hold a straight face, but completely lost it. I was laughing so hard at her and she kept asking me, "Is Zoe funny?" You might be asking yourself why I found that to be so funny. Well, my child watched Pinnochio for the first time on Wednesday night where she learned all about what happens when you tell fibs. Now you know why I found it so hysterical! I got taught a lesson by a three year old!
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Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Husband
Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! I couldn't ask for more! I love you!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Zoe's Birthday Weekend
This past weekend my parents came down with my niece, Courtney, for Zoe's birthday party at Pump it Up! We had Zoe's birthday party there last year and she specifically requested to have her birthday part there this year. And why not? All you do is run, jump, climb and play! Below are pictures from our weekend......

Monday, June 08, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
I'm So Excited!
Zoe's Three Year Check Up
Zoe's three year check up was on Thursday, May 28, 2009, with her pediatrician, Dr. Nancy Beveridge. I know I've said it before, but she ROCKS! Anyway, I knew this appointment was going to be "trying" for several reasons. I had been warned by several friends (thanks Julie and Lisa) that this appointment was tricky because my child was going to have to "pee in a cup." Now, Zoe is COMPLETELY potty trained and has been for several months. I also knew that telling her she was going to have to "pee in a cup" was going to be an experience I wouldn't soon forget. I'm so glad my three year old didn't let me down!
I had been lecturing Zoe on the fact that she would have to "pee in a cup" and she responded in true Zoe fashion, "But Mommy we don't pee pee in cups. We go pee pee on the potty!" Too true! Now, in the midst of all of this, those of you that know my family very well know that my child is addicted to playing dress up. She LOVES anything having to do with being a princess, too. Mark and I bought her a Disney Princess Chest with dress up clothes so she could be the following princesses: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Belle and Arial. Of course, she has been obsessed with those clothes since we gave them to her. And, of course, we told her on her birthday that the princesses had personally stopped by to leave her those gifts (it included the shoes to match each outfit) while she was taking her nap. Pretty clever, huh? I digress. Anyway, we get to our appointment and Zoe is dressed in shorts and a t-shirt from school, along with some cute little tennis shoes and socks. Now, that outfit just wasn't complete without her Hello Kitty necklace (it's big and chunky) and her purple princess dangle clip-on earrings. She was pretty fashionable I must say.
Once we got into our room Zoe needed to undress for her appointment. She could leave on her panties and her socks and shoes, but everything else had to come off. So, we go strutting down the hall to the scale where she proceeds to take off her shoes, too. I then tell her we need to see how tall she is and she responds, "No Mommy. I don't like that thing."
As a back story, we were at the doctor's office one time when she was sick. We needed to weigh her so I could get an accurate weight for Tylenol/Motrin dosage. In doing so, I tried to check Zoe's height since she is so tall, but ended up smacking her head on the appratus so, of course, she doesn't want a thing to do with it. That child doesn't forget one thing!
The nurse and I decided to by-pass checking her height and head straight for the room to check her blood pressure. Once we're done with that we have to head back to the room and pass that dreadful apparatus that measures height when I say, "Zoe, what's the big deal? Mommy will check her height. See? It doesn't hurt a bit. When it hurt your head before, it was totally Mommy's fault. It was an accident and I promise it doesn't hurt." Zoe proceeds to step right up and get her height checked. I slap her "high five" and we proceed back to our room. By the way, Zoe weighs 36 pounds and is 39.5 inches tall! HOLY COW! I'm hoping she keeps this up so she can have runway model legs instead of my nubs. But, again, I digress....
Once we're back in the room the nurse hands me the dreaded "cup" and says Zoe will need to pee in it. As soon as Zoe sees it she says, "I don't want to go pee pee in the cup Mommy." I'm thinking, "Oh great. This is going to go over about as well as a fart in an elevator." I decided to hide the cup inconspicuously behind my back while we headed to the potty. Zoe gets on the potty and starts doing her business when I try to "trick" her and shoves the cup right between her legs to catch some pee. Zoe proceeds to scream, clamp off in "mid stream" and hit my hand thus knocking the cup right into the toilet! By this point, I'm really trying hard not to laugh at my curly headed girl and the serious look she is giving me. She says, "Mommy, I don't want to pee in that cup!" Of course, I had to promptly wash my own hands (and arms) since both were almost in the toilet, let Zoe wash her hands and go deliver the bad news to the nurse that we weren't successful. The nurse tells me not to worry about it and if we can't get a sample today, we could take a cup and get a sample at another time and bring it into the office. That competitive nature comes out in me as I think, "The Hell you say. I'm getting that sample here today even if I have to stay until 6:00 p.m. when you close to do it!"
Remember what I told you Zoe was wearing at the begining of this post? Yeah. She's still walking up and down the hall in her Cinderella panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings. And in the process she is waiving "Hello" to everyone in true princess fashion. Picture British royalty......
Again, I digress....
Once we got back to our room I said, "Zoe, why won't you go pee in the cup? What's the big deal? Mommy & Daddy go pee pee in the cup when they go to the doctor. Shyla goes pee pee in the cup when she goes to the doctor. Ava goes pee pee in the cup when she goes to the doctor. The doctor has to check to make sure you're healthy. Why won't you do it?" Then my child says, "I want to go pee pee in the cup like Shyla and Ava!" I'm thinking, "Why in the Hell didn't I think to say that in the first place?" I told her she had already peed so she was going to have to down some water and juice so she could go again. She does just that (of course she wants to be just like Shyla and Ava) and we head back to the bathroom.
Zoe is still wearing her Cinderella princess panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings while telling everyone hello as we walk back down the hallway to try again.
We then go back to the bathroom where she proceeds to pee in the cup and thinks it is the greatest thing EVER! Of course, I make a huge deal out of it with high fives and praises. And if you think my child just did this of her own accord without a little nudging, then I have to tell you that my husband and I just won the lottery! Yeah right! What might you ask helped my child complete "peeing in the cup?" Why promising a Curious George video, of course! Why Curious George you might ask when she is so addicted to princesses? Well, she has become obsessed with him since a few of her friends at school (namely Jack and Ryan) are obsessed with him, too! Whatever works, right?
And before you think that was the end of our little adventure, I must tell you that my child didn't want to go pee in the cup in the bathroom located right by the lab where we could put the cup of pee in the "little metal box" once we were finished. Oh no! We had to go to the bathroom at the other end of the hallway. That meant we had to walk the pee all the way back down to the other bathroom and put it in its place.
While Zoe was still wearing her Cinderella panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings......
I'm glad to say that Zoe did get a good report, which is the most important thing in this story! Not the fact that we're worried about Zoe growing up and joining a nudist colony to become an exhibitionist!
I had been lecturing Zoe on the fact that she would have to "pee in a cup" and she responded in true Zoe fashion, "But Mommy we don't pee pee in cups. We go pee pee on the potty!" Too true! Now, in the midst of all of this, those of you that know my family very well know that my child is addicted to playing dress up. She LOVES anything having to do with being a princess, too. Mark and I bought her a Disney Princess Chest with dress up clothes so she could be the following princesses: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Belle and Arial. Of course, she has been obsessed with those clothes since we gave them to her. And, of course, we told her on her birthday that the princesses had personally stopped by to leave her those gifts (it included the shoes to match each outfit) while she was taking her nap. Pretty clever, huh? I digress. Anyway, we get to our appointment and Zoe is dressed in shorts and a t-shirt from school, along with some cute little tennis shoes and socks. Now, that outfit just wasn't complete without her Hello Kitty necklace (it's big and chunky) and her purple princess dangle clip-on earrings. She was pretty fashionable I must say.
Once we got into our room Zoe needed to undress for her appointment. She could leave on her panties and her socks and shoes, but everything else had to come off. So, we go strutting down the hall to the scale where she proceeds to take off her shoes, too. I then tell her we need to see how tall she is and she responds, "No Mommy. I don't like that thing."
As a back story, we were at the doctor's office one time when she was sick. We needed to weigh her so I could get an accurate weight for Tylenol/Motrin dosage. In doing so, I tried to check Zoe's height since she is so tall, but ended up smacking her head on the appratus so, of course, she doesn't want a thing to do with it. That child doesn't forget one thing!
The nurse and I decided to by-pass checking her height and head straight for the room to check her blood pressure. Once we're done with that we have to head back to the room and pass that dreadful apparatus that measures height when I say, "Zoe, what's the big deal? Mommy will check her height. See? It doesn't hurt a bit. When it hurt your head before, it was totally Mommy's fault. It was an accident and I promise it doesn't hurt." Zoe proceeds to step right up and get her height checked. I slap her "high five" and we proceed back to our room. By the way, Zoe weighs 36 pounds and is 39.5 inches tall! HOLY COW! I'm hoping she keeps this up so she can have runway model legs instead of my nubs. But, again, I digress....
Once we're back in the room the nurse hands me the dreaded "cup" and says Zoe will need to pee in it. As soon as Zoe sees it she says, "I don't want to go pee pee in the cup Mommy." I'm thinking, "Oh great. This is going to go over about as well as a fart in an elevator." I decided to hide the cup inconspicuously behind my back while we headed to the potty. Zoe gets on the potty and starts doing her business when I try to "trick" her and shoves the cup right between her legs to catch some pee. Zoe proceeds to scream, clamp off in "mid stream" and hit my hand thus knocking the cup right into the toilet! By this point, I'm really trying hard not to laugh at my curly headed girl and the serious look she is giving me. She says, "Mommy, I don't want to pee in that cup!" Of course, I had to promptly wash my own hands (and arms) since both were almost in the toilet, let Zoe wash her hands and go deliver the bad news to the nurse that we weren't successful. The nurse tells me not to worry about it and if we can't get a sample today, we could take a cup and get a sample at another time and bring it into the office. That competitive nature comes out in me as I think, "The Hell you say. I'm getting that sample here today even if I have to stay until 6:00 p.m. when you close to do it!"
Remember what I told you Zoe was wearing at the begining of this post? Yeah. She's still walking up and down the hall in her Cinderella panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings. And in the process she is waiving "Hello" to everyone in true princess fashion. Picture British royalty......
Again, I digress....
Once we got back to our room I said, "Zoe, why won't you go pee in the cup? What's the big deal? Mommy & Daddy go pee pee in the cup when they go to the doctor. Shyla goes pee pee in the cup when she goes to the doctor. Ava goes pee pee in the cup when she goes to the doctor. The doctor has to check to make sure you're healthy. Why won't you do it?" Then my child says, "I want to go pee pee in the cup like Shyla and Ava!" I'm thinking, "Why in the Hell didn't I think to say that in the first place?" I told her she had already peed so she was going to have to down some water and juice so she could go again. She does just that (of course she wants to be just like Shyla and Ava) and we head back to the bathroom.
Zoe is still wearing her Cinderella princess panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings while telling everyone hello as we walk back down the hallway to try again.
We then go back to the bathroom where she proceeds to pee in the cup and thinks it is the greatest thing EVER! Of course, I make a huge deal out of it with high fives and praises. And if you think my child just did this of her own accord without a little nudging, then I have to tell you that my husband and I just won the lottery! Yeah right! What might you ask helped my child complete "peeing in the cup?" Why promising a Curious George video, of course! Why Curious George you might ask when she is so addicted to princesses? Well, she has become obsessed with him since a few of her friends at school (namely Jack and Ryan) are obsessed with him, too! Whatever works, right?
And before you think that was the end of our little adventure, I must tell you that my child didn't want to go pee in the cup in the bathroom located right by the lab where we could put the cup of pee in the "little metal box" once we were finished. Oh no! We had to go to the bathroom at the other end of the hallway. That meant we had to walk the pee all the way back down to the other bathroom and put it in its place.
While Zoe was still wearing her Cinderella panties, Hello Kitty necklace and purple princess dangle clip on earrings......
I'm glad to say that Zoe did get a good report, which is the most important thing in this story! Not the fact that we're worried about Zoe growing up and joining a nudist colony to become an exhibitionist!
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