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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cake, Ice Cream & More Gifts....
Our girl has really racked up this year on gifts from her Mommy and Daddy. After Zoe got up from her nap, we told her that the Disney Princesses stopped by and left her some dress up clothes and shoes. She was thrilled to say the least. She is completely enamored with them and, especially, Sleeping Beauty. She is her FAVORITE! Below are some pics of her opening her gifts, blowing out her candles and playing dress up. I made the cake myself since we're having a huge party on June 6th and I just didn't see the sense in buying another cake just to have at home with the three of us. It may not look the best (it's my first time decorating a cake), but it sure did taste good!
My Baby Turns Three
I simply can't believe it! I can't believe my baby has turned three! Where does the time go? When you're young, you are always "wishing" for time to fly by. Well, I'm constantly wishing for time to "slow down." These are pictures of my three year old (I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that one) opening gifts from her Mommy and Daddy. The poor thing just didn't get any presents! Okay folks, that was sarcasm. It looked like freakin' Christmas around here!

Gifts from Uncle Poopy & Aunt Patty
The Funniest Laugh I've Ever Heard.....
My husband is a hard person to make laugh. And when I say that, I mean a good belly laugh....the kind where you cry from laughing. I tell everyone all the time about this laugh he has when he gets soooo tickled. Anyway, he was watching a movie the other day with Ben Stiller and I heard him laughing downstairs. Luckily, my camera was close so I could capture this video. Pretty hysterical, huh?

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Let the Games Begin....
Aunt Patty & Uncle Steve came down to visit us over Memorial Day weekend. I know I've talked about this before, but we absolutely love them. There are always those certain family members that you get along with no matter what. Well, Uncle Steve & Aunt Patty are those two people. We simply adore them and love it when they come to see us. Anyway, we have a fierce competition when it comes to games. We always play into the wee hours of the morning and it's ALWAYS the boys versus the girls. It has been that way since the day Patty came into Steve's life. This time was certainly no different. The first time Mark and Steve have ever beaten us was the last time they were down to visit, which was Thanksgiving. That was the FIRST time they had EVER beaten us. That's a pretty good track record, don't you think? Anyway, we decided to play this game because it is one of our favorites.....
The game is called Cranium and it is hysterical. Of course, you are in teams and there are four categories: (1) Data Head where you have to answer true/false questions, multiple choice questions, trivia type questions, etc.; (2) Word Worm where you have to spell words (without writing them down), spell words backwards (without writing them down), fill in the blanks, etc.; (3) Creative Cat where you have to draw like Pictionary, draw with your eyes closed called a "Sensosketch," create items for your team to guess by sculpting with Cranium clay (i.e. Play doh), etc.; and (4) Star Performer where you have to perform Humdingers (hum the tune), perform "charades," get up and act just like the person without saying the names of people and/or places, etc. You get the idea. Anyway, the Star Performer is my favorite category. I LOVE it. For those of you that know me, you shouldn't be surprised by it either. Patty doesn't like the Star Performer quite as much so she pretty much gives me that category every time. However, Patty is good with the Creative Cat category so I pretty much give her everything when it comes to that category. We laughed so hard last night while playing Cranium three times that I actually hurt today. My stomach hurts and my cheeks hurt from laughing. Of course, the girls won ALL THREE GAMES, but I have to give it to the guys because they put up a great fight. Better luck next time Boys! I wanted to share some stuff from our games.....

Following are all pictures that Patty had to draw for me. They get pretty funny.....

This was "Chaps."

This was "Garlic Breath." I actually got this right! Yeah!

This was the "Great Wall of China." I managed to get this one, too!

This one was "fingerprint." I actually got this one and props to Patty for drawing this with her eyes closed!

Now, I know Patty is creative and everything, but I had to sculpt "ear muffs." That sounds simple enough, doesn't it? I was so proud of my ear muffs, too. Poor Patty. I think the wine started to affect her because she just didn't guess it. She guessed Walkman, iPod, Ear Phones, etc. At the end I was laughing so hard at her for not guessing "ear muffs." Now, don't you think these looks like "ear muffs?"

I do! I told Patty, "I'm soooo taking a picture of this so I can Blog about my pain. I can't believe you couldn't guess "ear muffs!"
Well, we did win all three games! Go girls! Like I said.......Better luck next time boys! We can't wait for Uncle Steve (a/k/a Uncle Poopy) and Aunt Patty to come back again! We love you guys!
By the way Shelley, we soooo needed you last night. I'm ashamed to admit that we missed a trivia question about Harry Potter! We had to guess what position Harry Potter plays during Quidditch. I kept thinking "striker" and many other variations. I can hear you groaning out loud right now! For those of you that don't know, the answer it "Seeker." Ugh!
Giddy Up

Daddy & Zoe were playing the other night and Zoe decided she wanted to be "Cowgirl Dora." Anyway, she decided that Daddy needed to be the horse so she rode her "horse" all over the house. It was pretty hysterical. I took a video, but I think Daddy would shoot me if I posted it for everyone to see.....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I have posted about this Blog before:
I have never read someone who is so faithful. I can relate to her in ways you can't imagine unless you've walked a mile in a mother's shoes who has lost a child. Anyway, you should click here and watch her story. She is simply amazing. And remember to hold your children a little tighter today because we're not guaranteed any tomorrows.
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
This past weekend was wonderful! My parents came down on Saturday and Mark and I actually got to have a date night on Saturday night! We went out to eat and then went to see this:
I must say that the movie was AWESOME! We had such a good time. Don't get me wrong, I missed my baby terribly, but it's good for Mark and I to get a little time to ourselves.
On Sunday, we got up and went to church and had a little bit of a lazy day because we went to see this at TPAC:
If you've never seen a musical, you should go and broaden your horizons. And my daughter LOVED it. She was dancing and clapping! Seriously, it was too cute! My husband even enjoyed this musical! My girlfriend Shelley and I plan on having a girls night and going to see Wicked in September.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I know I did. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful husband, wonderful parents and a BEAUTIFUL daughter! God is good!

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I must say that the movie was AWESOME! We had such a good time. Don't get me wrong, I missed my baby terribly, but it's good for Mark and I to get a little time to ourselves.
On Sunday, we got up and went to church and had a little bit of a lazy day because we went to see this at TPAC:
If you've never seen a musical, you should go and broaden your horizons. And my daughter LOVED it. She was dancing and clapping! Seriously, it was too cute! My husband even enjoyed this musical! My girlfriend Shelley and I plan on having a girls night and going to see Wicked in September.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I know I did. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful husband, wonderful parents and a BEAUTIFUL daughter! God is good!
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