This past Saturday was opening day of turkey season in Tennessee. My husband is a big turkey hunter and I'm sad to say that he didn't get anything on Saturday. But, he did shoot a "big ol' gobbler" on Sunday morning. That's Zoe talk for Daddy's turkeys. Anyway, when he got home she was so excited to see the turkey. And, she insisted on getting her camo hat so she could match Daddy. Enjoy the pics......
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I know I've Blogged about my daughter forming an attachment to her Tinker Bell dress. Well, it depends on the day, but our daughter certainly has her "favorite" items of clothing. Anyway, Friday after work Zoe and I went to our favorite store (Target) and I found a Disney Princess swimsuit that had been marked from $10.00 to $6.00. I immediately picked it up and bought it for Zoe because she needs one for school for water play when it starts back up. Plus, she has become a fanatic for anything with a princess on it. The week before we bought her some Disney Princess sandals, although she calls them her "Princess Crocs." She loved the swimsuit so much that she slept in it for two days. And I'm not joking. She would take a bath and then put it right back on! And she thought she was a ballerina!
And I Thought I Was Bad......
So, I know I've talked on here about how OCD I am about certain things. I admit I'm bad, but I'm nowhere near as bad as my husband. He's made me worse since we've been together. I totally blame the Army for making him that way. He definitely wants everything just "so so" or he can't stand it. Anyway, I love it that he's a perfectionist and that he keeps our home in tip top shape. But, even I have my limits. A few weekends ago my husband touched up all of the paint in our house and it looks wonderful. So, as I was cooking this weekend, I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. I said, "Are you serious?" He said, I don't want grease to get splatted on the walls I just painted. I grabbed the camera and said, "I am so going to Blog about this."
This is the picture I took.......

Now, I laughed until I cried. I know a few of our close friends will appreciate this, especially Uncle Steve and Aunt Patty. Wait, the Carters will DEFINITELY appreciate this, too. Hey Carters, remember Yahtzee and Chris' one paper towel? FYI, Mark did take the cling wrap down as soon as I was finished cooking!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I have a confession to make......I'm a Twilight fanatic! Yes, I've come to terms with it. Pitiful, huh? First, I had to see the movie. Then, I had to buy the first book in the series. I read it in two days. I then had to buy the second book in the series, New Moon. I read it rather quickly and then I just had to buy the third book in the series, Eclipse. Of course, any of you who have read that book knows that you JUST HAVE TO HAVE THE FOURTH AND FINAL BOOK, which is Breaking Dawn.
God help me!
I talked to my parents last night and my Dad said, "Sweetie, I know how much you like the series Twilight so I went out and bought you that new book, which is the director's cut. Make sure you don't go and buy it." Isn't that so sweet and thoughtful? My parents are ALWAYS that way.
Again, God help me that my parents know what a freak I am for the series!
Then, Saturday morning my beautiful daughter decided that she didn't want to sleep in and that we needed to get up at 5:30 a.m. Yes, you read that right.....5:30 a.m. My husband was already gone to scout turkeys for the upcoming turkey season that begins on Saturday, March 28th. So, I went ahead got up and got everything ready. I mean, I got me and Zoe ready. I got me and Zoe ready because we were going to our favorite store......TARGET! Target had the Twilight video for sale for $17.99, which includes a third disc with bonus features only available at Target. Our store opened at 8:00 a.m. Zoe and I pulled into the parking lot around 7:55 a.m. and there were already about 50 to 75 people lined up outside the store. I had told Zoe that she could have a new Dora movie since she has been such a big girl and gone both #1 and #2 in the potty. So, when we walked up and got in line I said, "Zoe, I'll bet all of these people are here for the same reason." All the people around me started laughing and saying, "Ya think?" Anyway, my precious daughter screams, "Yeah, we're here for DORA!" To which every person outside waiting in line heard and began laughing hysterically. Pretty funny, huh? She definitely has a great sense of humor!
God help me because I bought that Dora movie keeping in mind the whole time, "Zoe can watch her Dora movie when we get home so I can watch Twilight." Yes, I know it's pitiful. gets better!
Daddy actually got home before I got my movie started because I was on the computer downloading my free copy of the movie, which was also available through my video from Target and was only good for last Saturday. So, not only do I have the movie, I downloaded the movie free from iTunes!
God help me I have more than one copy of that movie! I'm a FANATIC!
I'm just glad I have such an understanding husband who got home early and let me go ahead and watch my movie at 9:00 a.m.! And I must confess, I'm ready to watch it again! I plan on watching it real this weekend while my husband is becoming one with nature!
God help me!
I already know that New Moon is scheduled for release in November.......
I'm just glad I have such an understanding husband who got home early and let me go ahead and watch my movie at 9:00 a.m.! And I must confess, I'm ready to watch it again! I plan on watching it real this weekend while my husband is becoming one with nature!
God help me!
I already know that New Moon is scheduled for release in November.......

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
To Share or Not to Share?
That is definitely the question. For my tens of readers out know I can share. Anyway, I was hesitant to share this story for one simple WONDERFUL father. Sometimes when I share stories with him that I think are hysterical, his response will be, "Sweetie, there are just some things your father just doesn't want to know about." Well, I'm sure this will be one of those, but I just can't help myself. I knew my precious mom, Sherry, would appreciate it so she was one of my first phone calls. Of course, she laughed so hard along with me that I had to get off the phone and concentrate on driving home through rush hour traffic!
Now, for the rest of the story........
As most of you know, I'm a little OCD (that's stating it lightly)! Anyway, I wash and dry my laundry EVERY DAY. I can't stand it if it's not done EVERY DAY. I've been known to run down and swap out clothes during commercials during a favorite television show! Yes, I know I should calm down about it, but I just can't help myself! Part of my OCD with laundry involves bringing home my daughter's sheet and blanket from school every day to wash. I started doing that when she was sooooo sick all of the time during that tumultuous first year. I don't know if that has made the difference or if it is just Zoe getting older and her immunity has been built up, but I like to think that it's a combination of both. I digress. Anyway, in doing my laundry every day, I pretty much know what is in my basket. One day last week I noticed I was missing something, but didn't think too much of it. Hmmmmm.......
When I went to pick up Zoe on Thursday, one of her teachers, Ms. Misti, came up beside me and said, "I've got a little something that belongs to you." I immediately responded, "(Big sucking in of air) You found my black panties!" She about dropped to the ground in laughter. She said, "WOW, Courtney." I said, "Well, I'm anti panty line. You do realize we're tight now, right?" She said, "Oh yeah. I almost hung them up on the Parent Board." And needless to say, I don't think it would've been possible to laugh harder than I did at that moment. You see, when Misti was pulling out Zoe's sheet to put on her mat for nap time, my black pair of panties came flying out of her little pale pink sheet. And, to top it all off? They are my skimpiest pair......they pretty much look like dental floss! (Thank you, Nikki! They were a gift with some lingerie right before my honeymoon! I know you know which ones I'm talking about......think black and red lingerie!) And, the director of McKendree was so excited it had happened to me because she knew I would have a great time with it!
So, do you see why I had to share? This story is tooooo funny not to share! Now, to my WONDERFUL father........I'm sorry if your face is red right about now. I just HAD TO SHARE this laugh! Love you LOTS!
Now, for the rest of the story........
As most of you know, I'm a little OCD (that's stating it lightly)! Anyway, I wash and dry my laundry EVERY DAY. I can't stand it if it's not done EVERY DAY. I've been known to run down and swap out clothes during commercials during a favorite television show! Yes, I know I should calm down about it, but I just can't help myself! Part of my OCD with laundry involves bringing home my daughter's sheet and blanket from school every day to wash. I started doing that when she was sooooo sick all of the time during that tumultuous first year. I don't know if that has made the difference or if it is just Zoe getting older and her immunity has been built up, but I like to think that it's a combination of both. I digress. Anyway, in doing my laundry every day, I pretty much know what is in my basket. One day last week I noticed I was missing something, but didn't think too much of it. Hmmmmm.......
When I went to pick up Zoe on Thursday, one of her teachers, Ms. Misti, came up beside me and said, "I've got a little something that belongs to you." I immediately responded, "(Big sucking in of air) You found my black panties!" She about dropped to the ground in laughter. She said, "WOW, Courtney." I said, "Well, I'm anti panty line. You do realize we're tight now, right?" She said, "Oh yeah. I almost hung them up on the Parent Board." And needless to say, I don't think it would've been possible to laugh harder than I did at that moment. You see, when Misti was pulling out Zoe's sheet to put on her mat for nap time, my black pair of panties came flying out of her little pale pink sheet. And, to top it all off? They are my skimpiest pair......they pretty much look like dental floss! (Thank you, Nikki! They were a gift with some lingerie right before my honeymoon! I know you know which ones I'm talking about......think black and red lingerie!) And, the director of McKendree was so excited it had happened to me because she knew I would have a great time with it!
So, do you see why I had to share? This story is tooooo funny not to share! Now, to my WONDERFUL father........I'm sorry if your face is red right about now. I just HAD TO SHARE this laugh! Love you LOTS!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Icing on the Cake
I baked a cake this past Saturday and Daddy & Zoe iced it. Daddy made sure he took pictures since I was taking a nice long bubble bath!
There Are No Words...... describe the outfit my daughter was wearing when I picked her up from school this past Wednesday. When I had dropped her off, she was wearing her red Elmo t-shirt with little black pants, a red bow in her hair and her pink and silver tennis shoes. It was definitely a casual day, but she still looked cute (if I do say so myself). Anyway, my child had a day. We have been potty training and she pretty much NEVER has pee pee accidents. She only has problems in the poop department (I've been told that takes time) and only wears a pull up at night. Well, she had QUITE A DAY on Wednesday. She woke up in a horrible mood and decided she was going to copy one of her friends and try to start "holding herself." Anyway, needless to say, she had MANY potty accidents on Wednesday and had run out of clothes. McKendree has clothes they keep as a back up for such situations. Anyway, Zoe had run out of pants, panties and had resorted to wearing a pull up. When I went to pick her up they were playing in the gym and I had no trouble picking her out. So, without further adieu, this is what my child was wearing when I picked her up..........

Now do you understand why I have no words? Well, I guess I could say that these are the ugliest pants I've ever seen! Somebody needs to donate some clothes to McKendree that are at least from this century!
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