We've had one sick little girl here in the Lawrence household. We had done really well not being on breathing treatments with the exception of the sporadic little illness here and there; however, all of that changed last weekend. Zoe ended up getting really sick and I took her to the pediatrician on Monday morning. At that point, she wasn't quite wheezing yet and they didn't want to immediately put her on steroids in case she wasn't going to progress to that point. Well, by Tuesday morning she was really beginning to wheeze just while sitting and doing nothing. So, I called the pediatrician and they went ahead and called in an oral steroid. We started her on that Tuesday night, which was the last night she had a fever, and by the time I sent her to school on Thursday she was doing better as far as wheezing, etc. However, by Friday I didn't like the amount of snot she had and decided to trust my "Mommy instincts" and take her back to the pediatrician. Of course, she had a pretty nasty ear infection. One so bad that Dr. Beveridge asked, "Zoe, do your ears hurt?" So replied, "No." Dr. Beveridge looked at me and said, "That's one tough little girl." So, now we've added an antibiotic to the mix and Zoe seems to be on the mend. Now, in telling you all of that I'm sure your wondering what the heck this title is all about. I'm getting to that part of my story....
I stayed home with Zoe on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Well, Monday morning I was on the phone with my boss, Britton Allan, who sweetly called to ask how Zoe was doing and if there was anything at all he and his wife could do for us. I was in the midst of that conversation when I thought I "smelled" something. You see, Zoe has been potty training and doing quite well. She rarely has any accidents at all at school and only wears a pull up sometimes at home, always at night, but sometimes at home because she tends to be playing and "forgets" to stop to go to the restroom. I digress. Anyway, Zoe was sitting in her Dora tent watching a movie when I "smelled" something. I pulled back the tent to check things out and found quite a nice surprise. You see, my child is just like me.....a little OCD (obsessive compulsive) about things. She was sitting on the floor with her pull up completely open (we buy the type that come apart at the sides). The front of the pull up was lying flat on the floor and she was quietly picking the poop out of her diaper and putting it in the corner of her tent. I said, "Zoe, what on earth are you doing?" She said, "I'm putting my poopies over here Mommy." You see, my child didn't like the poop touching her so she was taking it out of her diaper. You know, it would've been a lot easier just to tell her Mommy and we could've put it in the toilet. But my OCD child didn't want it touching her. Thank goodness it wasn't a messy poop hence the title of this post. I want you guys to have a visual of it.....

No, this isn't actually a picture of it. This is a picture of Chocolate Malt Balls, but this looks just like my surprise from Zoe! I then spent the rest of the time talking to Zoe about what had occurred while trying to hold a straight face and not fall into hysterics in the middle of the floor. I sincerely hope all of you have enjoyed this story. I'm sure Zoe will thank me one of these days for putting this story out there on the Internet! Paybacks, huh? You put your poop in the corner of the tent for Mommy to pick up, I tell the story on the Internet! Ha!