Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Presents from Santa
I'm almost ashamed to admit that every single wrapped gift under the tree is for Zoe. Mark and I only stuffed each others stockings this year since we decided our joint gift to each other would be a new flat screen television for our bonus room. We work hard, we deserve it and because we spend so much time at home, it will be money well spent. But, I look at these pictures and realize that we are one very blessed family in these hard economic times. Here's hoping all of you have had a very Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve!
I can't begin to tell you how excited Zoe is for Christmas this year. All she has repeatedly asked for is a pink umbrella and a brown guitar (I have no idea where she got the idea for those two items). So, this is a picture of our Zoe with her Christmas nightgown on getting ready for bed so Santa can come tonight. We hope everyone has a wonderful CHRISTmas!

Icing the Cookies
Since Daddy had to work, we waited to put icing on the cookies for Santa so he could help us. Zoe had so much fun and I think she did a wonderful job for a two year old at icing the cookies!
Cookies for Santa
Daddy had to work on Christmas Eve so Zoe and I made cookies for Santa. She had a BLAST and I think this will definitely be a Christmas tradition. One of the attorneys I work for, Wendy Longmire, gave me this beautiful little plate to set cookies out on for Santa for Christmas Anyway, when I showed it to Daddy he said, "I think Santa would like a bigger plate. Plus, Santa likes to have ice cream with his cookies, too!" Pretty funny, huh? Maybe next year we should use a bowl!
Zoe & Maddie
One of Mark's best friends from back home is Chris Carter. Chris, his wife Renee and their daughter, Maddie, were living in Charleston; however, Chris is a Major in the Air Force and he is being stationed now in Lansing, Kansas. Since they were having to move, they decided to stop at our house for the night and continue traveling back to their hometown (and Mark's) of Sullivan, Missouri on Christmas Eve. Thank goodness they will get to spend Christmas with their families since they are having to move during this holiday season. Maddie is seven years old and she is a DOLL! She was so good with Zoe and I think you'll agree that they took some of the cutest pictures together. Zoe has hero worship of Maddie. We love you Carters!
All Dressed for Church
We went to church with Nana & Papa before heading home on Sunday. We love going to church with them because it's the church where Mark and I were married. And we haven't found anyone better to listen to than Larry. If it weren't a three hour drive, I would drive there every Sunday. Anyway, these are pictures I took Sunday morning while Zoe, Nana & Papa were all dressed for church. They all look beautiful. The last one is my FAVORITE!
Curly Temple
Papa has been showing Zoe Shirley Temple movies and she REALLY loves those, too. Zoe calls her "Curly Temple." I find it hysterical. I love that Papa wants to share all of these movies and such with Zoe. She adores her Papa and tells everyone who will listen about Curley Temple. I think its great that my Dad wants to show Zoe shows and films that she probably otherwise wouldn't see. Thanks, Papa!
Uncle George
Papa and Zoe love to sit and watch The Little Rascals. Anyway, Papa showed Zoe an episode with "Uncle George" and she thought it was the greatest thing ever! Zoe was so excited to go see Nana & Papa for Christmas that she kept telling her teachers that she was going to see "Uncle George." I had to explain that one to them. Enjoy this clip I found. Papa sounds just like Uncle George and constantly says to Zoe, "Yum Yum Eat 'Em Up!"
Christmas with Papa & Nana
Mark, Zoe and I celebrated our Christmas with my parents this past weekend. We had a blast and, of course, they spoiled all of us rotten. I think Zoe got every "classic" Disney movie ever made, along with a new storybook bible and money for her college fund! I got seasons one and two of Friday Night Lights, as well as the first season of Mad Man and the first season of Army Wives. I've heard wonderful things about all of these shows (and I've seen a few episodes of each) and I can't wait to get started on them. I also got a new type of curling iron that I can't wait to try out, as well as a beautiful bracelet. And don't think you need to feel sorry for Mark because he got the ultimate gift, a new leather St. Louis Cardinals jacket. We love you Papa & Nana and we can't thank you enough for everything! Thank you again for loving Zoe the way you do and for spoiling all of us rotten!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Rockettes

A Day with One Pull Up
I went to pick Zoe up yesterday from school and she had spent the entire day in one pull up! Yeah! That means she didn't have an accident all day long! She had woken up with a dry diaper and immediately peed on the potty. When we got to school she immediately peed on the potty. And then she spent the entire day in the same pull up! It's amazing! Of course, when she got home and put on her Dora panties, she peed in the floor. But, who cares! Accidents are going to happen and we're so proud of the progress she has made in such a short period of time! Way to go, Zoe!
Zoe's First Hair Cut
Mommy got her hair done last week and so did Zoe. Zoe got her first hair cut and she did wonderful. These are a few pictures of Ms. Robin giving her her hair cut. She refused to sit in the chair by herself so that's why the picture is so close to her face because she was sitting on my lap! Too cute!
_________ on the Potty
I didn't want to gross everyone out with the title, but Zoe has had her first poop on the potty! Yeah! I went to pick her up on Monday, December 15th, and when I got there she had just finished using the potty. Anyway, I heard her announce (rather loudly while still on the potty) that she had just pooped! It was hysterical, but it was a HUGE step for us because our child had boycotted the potty. She simply wasn't having any part of it. I would ask, "Do you want to go pee pee on the potty?" And Zoe would reply, "I don't like the potty." Everything you read about potty training tells you that you shouldn't force a child to sit on the potty and it has been very frustrating for us because I know she's smart enough to do it. When your child comes to you and says, "Hey, Mommy, I pee peed in my diaper. Will you change my diaper?" then I think they are definitely ready to starting potty training. One of my best buds, Julie, kept telling me that it would be just like a light switch and she would just start going and I simply didn't believe her. But, as usual, Julie was right! Yeah!
Friday, December 12, 2008
One of my best buds, Shelley, and I are just alike. I know it sounds a little crazy, but we LOVE vampire movies. And, yes, we are MAJOR fans of such shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Underworld and Harry Potter (although that one doesn't quite qualify with the whole Vampire theme). Anyway, we always leave our girls with their Daddy's because our husbands just aren't big movie watchers. So, we go see movies together when we can squeeze it in and we saw Twilight a few weeks ago. I must say the show is AWESOME. Now I'm reading the series and I can't put the books down. We were talking today and decided that we had to see it once again on the big screen before it comes out on video. So, as you can see above, I've already got my ticket ready! You'd better get your ticket ready, Shelley!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Go Mizzou!
As most of you probably know, Mark grew up in Sullivan, Missouri, which is about an hour west of St. Louis. Anything having to do with Missouri (i.e. Cardinals, Rams, Blues, etc.) and my dear hubby is following them like crazy. Anyway, he's a HUGE Mizzou fan. Knowing that, Uncle Poopy & Aunt Patty bought Zoe her first Mizzou shirt for Christmas and I must say it is adorable. Zoe is so cute wearing it!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Meet Charlie
We decided we needed a little help in the discipline and/or potty training department. Don't get me wrong, my child is not a horrible acting child, but I've found you have to come up with new and creative ways to discipline her. Plus, my child cares nothing about the potty. She will sit on it here and there, but she really has NO INTEREST IN IT! I thought girls were supposed to be easier?!? WRONG!
Anyway, I would like to introduce all of you to "Charlie." Charlie is an elf sent by Santa to watch over Zoe and report back to him each night. He tells Santa whether or not Zoe has been good and whether or not she has attempted to use the potty. Our child is completely enthralled with Charlie. When she wakes up each morning, she has to search the house for him to find him. He switches places each morning upon his return from the North Pole. So, she wakes up in the best moods and can't wait to find Charlie. It's hysterical. We also told her that Charlie flies around her school all day long and watches her. She is telling anyone and everyone about Charlie. So, without further adieu, here's Charlie..............
Isn't he a cutie? I'm going to have to come up with something else after Christmas is over!
Presents from Uncle Poopy & Aunt Patty
Mark's brother and his wife came down to visit us for Thanksgiving. They normally always come down for New Year's; however, since New Year's Eve falls on a Wednesday this year, it was too hard to make the trip work. So, they came down this past weekend and we had a blast. Patty and I got up and met one of my best buds, Shelley, and we joined the crazy people for Black Friday. I had never gone shopping on Black Friday, but we had such a good time that we're going to make it a tradition. We met Shelley at Kohl's at 3:40 a.m.! Can you say NUTS?!? But, I'm totally planning on doing it again next year.
Steve & Patty went ahead and brought us our Christmas presents. Below are pictures of some of the things they bought for Zoe. They totally know what to buy for their niece.....especially one that LOVES to play dress up! They bought her the flip flops, the necklace and the sunglasses. They bought more stuff, but this is what is in the picture. I'm not sure about the exact look Zoe is going for, but she did say she was "going to the beach." I'm guessing we're going to have to take our child to the beach since she pretends to be at the beach all the time.
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Since Mark and I began dating (way back in the day), we've always had a tradition of putting up the Christmas tree and all decorations on Thanksgiving night. Anyway, now that we have Zoe we felt it was extremely important to carry on that tradition. Below are some pictures of our time together. Zoe LOVED putting the ornaments on the tree and I have a feeling that this Christmas is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
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