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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Pics
Zoe and I went to The Monkey's Treehouse on Saturday since Mark was out of town hunting. Anyway, we met April and her daughter, Elizabeth, and Christina and her son, Mason. The kids played for three solid hours and you can't beat it. I think I paid $7.61 for three hours of fun. Pretty solid, huh? Anyway, I did a slide show of my pictures from the day; however, these are a few of my favorite pics.
Friday, November 21, 2008
How to Cook a Turkey
My darling husband has been watching the Food Network incessantly because they are showing recipes for Thanksgiving. Every time I come up to the bonus room he says, "Look baby, they're making a pumpkin pie out of sweet potatoes." You get the picture. Anyway, one of my best buds did a post from one of her twin girls about how you should cook a turkey. I laughed so hard I cried. Anyway, this is for you Mark. You didn't need to watch the Food only needed to ask a six year old!
by Anna Riggs
Thursday, November 20, 2008
God is Good
Today we had an appointment with a pediatric opthamologist, Dr. Robert L. Estes, at the Vanderbilt Eye Institute. I had noticed that Zoe had a problem with her right eye. Mark thought I was crazy, but I had noticed that her eye would turn outward; however, she would turn it back in very quickly. Mark had never seen her do it either so he really thought I was crazy! It didn't happen all the time either, but tended to happen more when she was very tired or very upset. And I noticed it more toward the end of the day. Anyway, I asked our pediatrician about it and she referred us to one of her colleagues, Dr. Eric Groos, with Cornea Consultants of Nashville. He did diagnose her with what I felt sure she was having, which was exotropia. He is not specialized for pediatrics, but he did confirm the diagnosis and made me feel somewhat better because he said Zoe had a slight case and only needed to see Dr. Estes prior to the end of the year. It was certainly difficult to get in to see Dr. Estes (he's supposed to be one of the tops in the field) and we had to wait for two months to get in to see him. Needless to say, there was NO WAY I was missing this appointment.
Anyway, I have to brag on Dr. Estes and Vanderbilt. I had an individual tell me he had no personality and that we wouldn't enjoy our visit. But, I should be thankful because I was seeing "the top guy" when it came to pediatric eye problems. I'm glad that individual was wrong and that Mark and I were pleasantly surprised. He was such a nice man and was WONDERFUL with Zoe. She really liked him. And his staff was wonderful, too. She actually enjoyed going to the doctor and when I took her to my work to show her off afterward, she told everyone about it. It was too cute. Dr. Estes did diagnose Zoe with Intermittent Exotropia. Come to find out, my Dad has the same condition with one of his eyes (the opposite one of Zoe) and his baby brother was actually born with his eyes crossed, a condition known as Esotropia. I was really hoping to blame this problem on Mark and his side of the family, but no such luck! (Love Ya, Honey....Just Kidding!) Dr. Estes said that we would just watch this for now and that Zoe had a very mild case of it. He said that her vision was perfect and not affected by this occurrence. He said if I noticed it happening more frequently to come back sooner; however, he only wanted to keep a watch and see her back between 6 and 12 months. So, we made an appointment to see him again in nine months. We did ask if this ever required surgery and he informed us that it is on the rare side that surgery is required in instances like Zoe's. He said, "There are some doctors out there who would tell you you had to have surgery, but they probably need to make a payment on their BMW or something." It was pretty comical to say the least.
I just want to praise God for good news and for watching over us. Plus, Mark had been having a few issues with his bloodwork and had a recheck done last week. We got those results yesterday and all is well with him, too. I had my yearly physical a few days ago and everything came back great with me! God has been VERY good to The Lawrence Family!
"Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pray thy vows unto the most High." Psalm 50:14
"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." 2 Corinthians 9:15
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I bought Zoe some Ugg boots the other day......okay, I'm not completely insane! I want my daughter to look cute and trendy, but I'm not about to buy her a pair of real Ugg boots for $150.00 plus dollars! I found these at Target and while they're not Ugg boots, Zoe thinks they are the greatest boots EVER! She thinks she's too cute wearing them and I must confess....I think she's the cutest thing ever! Can you believe how tall this child is? She completely towers over other two year olds! She has to get it from her Daddy because she for sure doesn't have my nubs. Thank God!
You Know Your Child Spends a Lot of Time in the Corner...
.......when she puts her dolls in the corner because they've been bad, too!
A Day at the Park with Daddy
Zoe's day care, McKendree, closes four times per year for teacher training and continuing education. They close once in the Spring, once during the Summer and for two consecutive days each November so the teachers can attend a national conference for early childhood education. I think it's awesome that they are interested in attending a conference on a national level (it's in Dallas, Texas this year). Anyway, Daddy took off work on Thursday and took Zoe to the park. They had a ball as you can see by the pictures below......
Monday, November 03, 2008
How Do You Make an Elmo Fanatic's Day?

By purchasing an Elmo Halloween costume on clearance and letting her wear it around the house for two days. We almost didn't get it off of her to take her bath or go to bed! I also purchased another Halloween costume on clearance to give to Zoe for Christmas. Our child LOVES to play dress up and it will make a great Christmas present!

My First Pumpkin Carving
We haven't actually carved a pumpkin for Zoe. The first year she was extremely sick with the beginning of breathing treatments. Last year we were trying to keep her well and decided to just let her color one with markers. So, this year we carved one and Zoe had a blast doing it, although she didn't like touching the "stuff" from the pumpkin. And ignore the pen behind Mark's's a habit since he's constantly sticking one behind his ear all day long at work. Too funny!

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty......
Our great friends Lisa & Rich and their daughter, Ava, had a huge Halloween party this past Friday. Mark took his 4-wheeler over and all the kids rode around the subdivision in a wagon attached thereto to do their actual trick or treating. It was a blast and the kids LOVED it. For all of my tens of readers out there, I sat in the back with another mommy and watched the kids and the wagon was perfectly safe. This is a picture of farmer Mark and Kitty Cat Zoe. I was dressed up like Dolly Parton, but I don't have a good picture of me to post. I have to say I was pretty funny myself! Enjoy!
My First Deer Call
Daddy gave Zoe her first deer call and it's pretty funny to watch her call with it. I don't understand why she has to "blow first" before she actually blows the call, but it's her thing. Too cute. She'll be a great deer hunter yet.
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