You know, I didn't even know there was such a thing as the
Ultimate Blog Party until one of my best buds,
Shelley, tagged me and forced my participation. Really, that's just sarcasm because I absolutely adore her and feel honored that she thought of me. So, I have to now fulfill my end of the bargain by doing the following:
The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Here's hoping all of you out there aren't struggling like me to find five people you know that actually have Blogs.
Now, here’s the meme:
What I was doing 10 years ago:
Let's see, that would be 1998 so I was just finishing up my second semester of college at my alma mater,
Southern Illinois University (Go Dawgs!). Let me say I was having the time of my life and majoring is Paralegal Studies.
Five things on my To Do List today:
1. Pray that Shelley doesn't throw up and that her girls quit puking all over her. I also need to send Shelley an e-mail asking if she needs anything....I will volunteer to do a "drive by" and throw the items into her yard. Am I a great friend or what?
2. Miss my daughter like crazy because I work a full-time job and feel like I miss a ton of things in her life. I literally can't wait until I get to leave work and go pick her up. There is no better greeting than having your daughter smile and run to you and give you the BEST hug EVER. Sorry, Mark, but you know I'm right about the hugs and the greeting.
3. Go to lunch with my posse. Two girlfriends of mine and I have created a club called "The Ex Mommy Club from Central Pike Christian Child Care Center." The name should say it all, but we all had our children there at the same time and do our best to get together once or twice per month to swap stories. I can honestly tell you we've forged a great friendship out of the "worst of times"
4. Continue to go through my house like a tornado and get rid of things I no longer need, shred documents I no longer need to hang onto and get ready to "shift" things around in my house. Sounds scary, huh?
5. Spend some quality time with my husband. I have a WONDERFUL husband and we really don't get to have much "adult" time together. Usually, we at least try to get together on Tuesday nights so we can watch the juggernaut that is American Idol. We've narrowed it down to our top three: David Lee Cook, David Archuleta and Carly Smithson. Do you agree with us?
Snacks I enjoy:
1. Any type of sour candy. I LOVE sour candy and I come by it honest because my Dad likes it too. I love sour gummy worms (although I don't indulge since losing weight).
2. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips. And I don't even need anything to dip them in. I really get a hankering for chips and those seem to be somewhat of a healthy alternative.
3. Triscuits or Wheat Thins. What can I say? I'm a huge fan! I can literally sit down and eat an entire box.
4. Anything chocolate.
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Quit my job.
2. Make my husband quit his job.
3. Move my daughter to a preschool program for two or three days per week so I could spend more quality time with her without robbing her of her friends and social activities. She LOVES her friends in her class and would miss them terribly.
4. Give my parents a load of money for all they've done for me. They're the best...I'm just sad I didn't realize it sooner in my life.
5. Give our house to someone I know would love it and who needs it. I'm guessing Mark would want to give it to his buddy, Shannon, so he could finally get ahead.
6. Buy my husband the biggest piece of property I could find in Tennessee (I'm talking thousands of acres) so he could build us our dream log cabin and hunt as much as he wanted.
7. Buy my husband and I a rather large piece of property (with a house) close to my parents so Zoe and I could spend LOTS of time with them and Mark could still hunt as much as he wanted.
8. Buy my husband and I a rather large piece of property (with a house) close to Mark's brother and wife (Steve & Patty) and his Dad so Zoe and I could spend LOTS of time with them and Mark could still hunt as much as he wanted.
9. Payoff anything Shelley, Temple, Jo Anna and Julie needed so they could do anything they wanted.
10. Payoff anything for my stepsister, Heather. I gotta tell you, I admire that girl. She didn't take the easy road, went to school full time, worked a full time job and still managed to find time to raise two children. She's now an R.N. I'm so proud of her and she deserves it.
11. Payoff anything for my husband's family (specifically Steve, Patty & Herman). I'm sure he could think of others.
12. Give a ton of money to Mighty Rivers Regional Worship Center f/k/a Cairo Baptist Church. This is the church Mark and I were married in and they have the BEST pastor EVER. We love Larry and miss that church terribly.
13. Are you thinking by now, "Man, she sure does want to pay off a lot of stuff." If you're a billionaire, who cares?!? There's plenty to go around!
Three of my bad habits:
1. Fretting. I'm terrible. And I'm especially terrible about fretting over my daughter. My husband gets onto me and I'm really trying to work hard at it. I just can't seem to help myself sometimes.
2. And I am the WORST micromanager (I'm right there with you Shelley). I believe this is why she and I get along so well (among many other reasons).
3. OCD. I have a serious case of it. Just ask Julie (I work with her and she's also an awesome friend). She will consistently ask me, "Will it drive you crazy if I take these files and turn them this way?" I begin shaking and develop a serious twitch at the thought of it.
Five places I have lived:
1. San Antonio, Texas;
2. Carbondale, Illinois;
3. Paducah, Kentucky;
4. Nashville, Tennessee;
5. Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.
Five jobs I’ve had:
1. A personal injury law firm in Paducah. I managed to work there for four summers, the last being the summer before my freshman year of ...... HIGH SCHOOL! Can you say start them young and "slave labor." I fetched coffee and made copies.
2. Kroger. I was a checker....enough said.
3. A large insurance defense firm in Paducah. This was an awesome law firm I worked for through my senior year of high school and my first two years of college at
Paducah Community College before I transferred to SIU.
4. SIU Campus Admissions Office. This job sucked....enough said. You do what you have to do to get by.
5. My current job as a paralegal, which is AWESOME!
Five people I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!):
1. Temple. One of my oldest, nearest and dearest buddies. I don't think there is honestly anything she could say to surprise me....I really just want to annoy her and make her participate. Love you Tempie!
2. Patty. My favorite sister-in-law because I absolutely adore her. She's the best.
3. Nikki. After quite a rough patch, we are just now getting to a better place. I'd be interested to see her answers.
4. April. This is one of my posse from the "Ex Mommy's Club" because I want to know even more about her.
5. Christina. This is the second member of my posse from the "Ex Mommy's Club" because I want to know even more about her, too.
And just for the record, I don't know anyone else with a Blog. Shelley turned me onto blogging and I haven't quite turned anyone else onto it yet. Oh, well. At least I'm tagging others via e-mail!