I know it's a little late, but Happy Valentine's Day! Our poor child had such a sugar rush....and later a sugar crash....from all the cupcakes and sugar cookies!

I Love My Puppy!

I LOVE Cupcakes Now!

Hey Daddy....Your Tongue is Blue Like Mine!
Zoe is starting to say her ABCs, too. She does better with some letters than others, but when she does it it is hysterical. She knows how the song should go...even if she doesn't know all the letters. Too funny!
Zoe has really started talking lately and it amazes me how fast she is changing. She is stringing a lot of words together! Anyway, she LOVES her stuffed monkey (Mommy bought it at the Zoo) and she loves this new book, llama llama Red Pajama. If you've never read it, you should get it for your child. It's soooo cute. There's another one we bought called llama llama Mad at Mama! It's hysterical. Anyway, I was able to get her to talk about it! Enjoy!