My birthday was on September 26th and I must confess it was wonderful. When my husband asked what I wanted for my birthday, I couldn't think of a single thing I needed. On this birthday, I am simply thankful to have a fabulous husband, a beautiful daughter and a pretty wonderful life. However, I did ask for everyone I hold near and dear to me to stay healthy. I've attached some pics from my birthday celebration with Daddy & Zoe. They are too cute not to share. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
15 Month Checkup
On Monday, September 17, 2007, Zoe had her 15 month checkup with Dr. Beveridge. She weighed in at a whopping 26 lbs. 6 oz., measured 32 3/4 inches in length and her head measured 48 cm. She had gained almost 3 pounds since her 12 month checkup, had grown another inch in length and her head had gone from 47cm to 48 cm. She is now in the 92nd percentile for weight, 95th percentile for head size and is off the charts for height. I don't know where she gets the height from, but I hope she keeps on growing and keeps those long legs....we don't want her to have Mommy's nubs! Dr. Beveridge was pleased with her and we don't go back until she is 18 months old. We do go back sometime in October or November to get a flu shot and we pray she doesn't have any illnesses between now and then. At this point, we are having some allergy issues, but there hasn't been any wheezing. We feel so blessed to have gone three months without breathing treatments. Thank God!
Zoe is now climbing on everything. She wants to get up and then down, up and then down. And she is starting to try to throw her leg up on the side of her crib. Dr. Beveridge said we need to take her crib bumper out now because a lot of children use it as leverage to climb out of the crib. She said once she seems like she's getting ready to climb out, then we need to go ahead and put her in a toddler bed. She said we definitely don't want to wait until she hurts herself before we transfer her to a toddler bed. It amazes me how fast they grow up. It seems each day she says some other new word or does something else new. It's amazing! And her favorite word? "No!" Go figure....she should know it since she hears it often enough!
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Zoe began attending McKendree United Methodist Church's day care program. I'm loving this place. I can't say enough great things about it. Our child is finally in a preschool and is learning so much. Anyway, I picked her up on Wednesday and this is what she looked like. She had been drawing with markers and I think she drew more on herself. Thank God I don't send her in expensive clothes and thank God they were washable markers. Everything came right out. Isn't she a doll?!?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Labor Day Weekend

Over Labor Day weekend, Mark and I took Zoe to Mark's home town to meet a lot of his family. I was nervous about the trip, but everything ended up being great. We spent the first night at Papa & Grandma's house (my parents) and had a WONDERFUL time. Zoe has REALLY taken to her Papa and Grandma. She says "Papa" now and you can tell it melts Papa's heart. We're working on Mawmaw for Grandma, but it's too close to Mama so she hasn't quite got that one down yet. I took a lot of great pictures at their house, but I managed to erase my memory card before we got to Aunt Patty & Uncle Poopy's house. Can you say dork?!? I was SO UPSET with myself. Papa taught Zoe a new way to dance and I had a video of them doing it together, along with several really cute pictures. I was SICK over it. Now Papa and Grandma have to get down here soon so I can get another video of them dancing together.
We spent the next three days at Uncle Poopy (Mark's brother Steve) and Aunt Pattys' house. Those of you who have read this Blog know that we are EXTREMELY close to them and love them dearly. I hate that we don't live closer to them. We all get along so good and have so much fun together. And they really love little Zoe. I can't say enough good things about them. We also got to see some of Mark's cousins during a BBQ Steve & Patty had for us on Saturday and I must say I learned A LOT about those Lawrence boys. It was hilarious. I literally thought I was going to pee my pants several times from laughing so hard. My cheeks hurt the next day! We also got to spend time with Zoe's other grandpa, Grandpa Herman (Mark's Dad) and that was good, too. He sure was excited about getting to see Zoe and spending time with her. Hopefully, we won't go so long before we get back to see everyone again. It was only two years ago in May since the last time we went up to visit, but who's counting!?! Enjoy a few of the pics I've attached.
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