Sunday, June 24, 2007
Can I Help With the Laundry?
Zoe's First Bite

Zoe's One Year Checkup
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Zoe's First Rockin' Horse
This is Zoe's first rockin' horse that she received for her birthday from Grandma and Grandpa. She LOVES it! You can hear me calling the horse "Eugenia" and I thought I had better explain that one. While I was pregnant, my Dad used to tell me I had to name the baby "Eugenia" since she needed to be named after him (his name is Gene). So, I've compromised and named Zoe's horse Eugenia. That's fair, huh? Anyway, Grandpa is trying to be the voice for "Eugenia" and she sounds a little sick! It's hysterical!
Zoe's First Birthday Party
Monday, June 11, 2007
Zoe's First Nashville Sounds Game
These are pics from Zoe's first Nashville Sounds game. The past few years, my firm buys tickets for everyone and their families to a specific Nashville Sounds game. Last year was the first year to do it, but I was in the hospital since I had just had Zoe and we (OBVIOUSLY) didn't get to attend. Anyway, we went this year and had a blast. Zoe really enjoyed herself and got to play with her friends Shyla, Gracyn and Savannah. The kids were too cute. Enjoy!
Daddy's Sneezes
I'm loving this! I've now figured out how I can post the videos directly to the blog rather than just adding the link to view! I know you've seen this video before, but I'll be adding new ones! I just needed to play around! Enjoy!