
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Can I Help With the Laundry?

Zoe has this new thing about wanting to help me fold clothes after I take them out of the dryer. Of course, her idea of folding is grabbing items as fast as she can and throwing them everywhere. It's HYSTERICAL!
I think this is mine!

Hee! Hee! I'll help you Mommy!

Now, which one should I fold first?

Zoe's First Bite

Well, it's happened. Zoe was bitten for the first time at day care last Thursday. I thought to myself, "Okay, I know these things happen." But, nothing prepares you for how mad you get when you actually see the bite. I was able to prod it out of the teacher which child was responsible (they aren't supposed to tell you for whatever reason) and it ended up being one of her little buds she plays with quite a bit! The next day, I asked Zoe's teacher if the child had bitten before and she told me that he had. I then asked how many times and get this.....IT HAS HAPPENED SO MANY TIMES THAT SHE COULDN'T EVEN TELL ME! Now that REALLY made me mad. I asked what the day care would do if he continued to bite and she told me, "Nothing because it's up to the parents to do something about it." Do I need to state the obvious here? Obviously, his parents aren't doing too much about it if he has bitten so many times she couldn't give me a number! Can you say CRAZY?!? I think when a child continuously bites and you lose count as to how many times it has happened, they should be kicked out. Sorry, but that's an awful behavior that needs definite attention and to kick their child out would be a definite attention getter. All I know is if he bites Zoe again, it won't be pretty. And by the way, she wasn't doing a thing to him to provoke the bite....he just walked over and bit her!!!!! I've attached a pic her Daddy took, although this doesn't really do it justice since it was taken the day after. I am thankful that it didn't break the skin.


For Zoe's birthday, some friends gave her this Little Tykes car and she LOVES it. Daddy was able to take some pictures of her in her car and she literally pushes this thing all over the place. It's too cute!

Zoe's One Year Checkup

I still can't believe our little Zoe is now a year old! She is such a blessing! Of course, Dr. Beveridge was really pleased with Zoe. She still isn't walking yet, but we hope that she'll cross that milestone soon. She cruises everything, can walk VERY well while only hold one hand.....she just doesn't want to yet. She has taken steps from me to Daddy, but she won't take off on her own. She has started standing up in the middle of the floor by herself without the use of furniture or a toy (a few times anyway) and, if she isn't paying attention, you can let her go and she'll stand there all by herself. When she figures out you've let go, it's like she says "oh crap" and sits right back down. Dr. Beveridge said as long as she's walking by 16 months of age that everything is fine. And she guaranteed that it would be a whole lot sooner rather than later. Now, Zoe's weight was 23 lbs. 9 oz. and her height is 31 3/4 in.! She has slowed down on her weight gain (only gaining a little over one pound since her 9 month checkup), but she has grown over two inches in height since that checkup! WOW! She is very tall and totally off the charts now on height. I'm guessing she's going to have her Daddy's long legs and not my nubs! YEAH! She's still in the 85th percentile with her weight! Dr. Beveridge said that she expected her weight gain to slow dramatically by the time she turned a year old and she was right! And by the way, we are totally off all breathing treatments! That is such an answer to prayer. We are going to take her off her Singulair the last day of this month, but Dr. Beveridge wants her back on it by August 1st. She wants her on it and it in her system by the time September rolls around. Hopefully, we won't go back on the breathing treatments, but only time will tell. Right now, we are just going to be thankful for the blessings we have been given! And we are now feeding Zoe Gerber Graduates and table food and that's a little nerve racking! Nobody ever warns how much children choke and gag when learning to chew, but you just have to keep trying so they will learn!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Zoe's First Rockin' Horse

This is Zoe's first rockin' horse that she received for her birthday from Grandma and Grandpa. She LOVES it! You can hear me calling the horse "Eugenia" and I thought I had better explain that one. While I was pregnant, my Dad used to tell me I had to name the baby "Eugenia" since she needed to be named after him (his name is Gene). So, I've compromised and named Zoe's horse Eugenia. That's fair, huh? Anyway, Grandpa is trying to be the voice for "Eugenia" and she sounds a little sick! It's hysterical!

Zoe's First Birthday Party

These are some of the photographs that were taken at the Nashville Zoo for Zoe's first birthday party. I've also added some random photos that were taken that weekend. We had a blast and I hope you enjoy them. I'm having so much fun learning new things to do with the Blog!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Zoe's First Nashville Sounds Game

These are pics from Zoe's first Nashville Sounds game. The past few years, my firm buys tickets for everyone and their families to a specific Nashville Sounds game. Last year was the first year to do it, but I was in the hospital since I had just had Zoe and we (OBVIOUSLY) didn't get to attend. Anyway, we went this year and had a blast. Zoe really enjoyed herself and got to play with her friends Shyla, Gracyn and Savannah. The kids were too cute. Enjoy!

Daddy's Sneezes

I'm loving this! I've now figured out how I can post the videos directly to the blog rather than just adding the link to view! I know you've seen this video before, but I'll be adding new ones! I just needed to play around! Enjoy!