
Monday, July 31, 2006

Lovin' My Bouncy Seat

A while back I went out and bought Zoe this bouncy seat. I thought she would love it, but it has taken a bit for her to actually like to sit in it. Here are pics of my little angel lovin' her bouncy seat. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 30, 2006


While we were visiting my office this past Friday, one of my good friends, Jo Anna, reminded me of how Zoe used to position herself inside the womb. She constantly had her arms up over her eyes where you could only see her mouth and nose. It's funny because she still likes to lay that way while she's sleeping. I've attached an ultrasound picture of her with her arm over her eyes and a recent picture of her sleeping the exact same way. Funny, isn't it?

Stop Taking My Picture Already

On Friday, July 28, 2006, Zoe and I went to my office to visit with everyone. This was Zoe's first trip out besides going to a doctor appointment and we were really looking forward to it! We were starting to get restless after staying couped up for so long! I dressed her up really cute and off we went. Everyone certainly enjoyed seeing her and we had a blast! I took her picture when we got home......or let me say I took the best picture I could get of her. She wouldn't stay still long enough to get a really good one!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sleeping with My Daddy.....Again!

Zoe simply loves sleeping with her Daddy (and vice versa). She started out laying on his chest, but they both ended up in the floor with Daddy holding her pacifier in her mouth while he was sleeping. It seems I always end up with the camera!

Eating My Daddy's Nose

The other day Mark and I were hanging out playing with Zoe when she started this new thing of trying to eat his nose. Every time he would get in her face she would open her mouth wide toward his nose. I'm sure she was just opening her mouth, but we like to think she was going for his nose since it ended up in her mouth. It was pretty funny!

Hanging Out with Grandpa Wearing Zellow

Zoe's Grandparents came down last week to stay with us for a few days and boy did we ever enjoy having them here. They are such a blessing and sure do love "their baby." I've attached a picture of Zoe hanging out with Grandpa with them both wearing "zellow." Zellow is a term my Dad coined since Zoe's room is yellow and her name begins with a's too cute. Anyway, Zoe sure does love her Grandpa (and Grandma).

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Playing Dress Up

Since we decided that we wouldn't get Zoe out and about until she reached 8 weeks old due to her premature birth, I thought we needed to play dress up since she has all of these cute clothes and I'm afraid she won't get to wear all of them. This is an outfit that a friend I work with, Carolyn, bought for her. Isn't it adorable? Just wanted to share how cute she looked wearing it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Six Week Checkup

Zoe went for her six week checkup on July 10, 2006 with her pediatrician. She weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 22 1/4 inches long. Dr. Beveridge was so pleased with her and said that she looked great. She also got two shots and was none too pleased about it! Poor thing.....I've attached pics of her Snoopy band-aid and of her fussing at her Daddy.

Friday, July 07, 2006

My Guardian Angel

Today was my follow up appointment with my obstetrician, Dr. Sharon Piper. I can't begin to tell you how fortunate we were to have a doctor like her. She is simply the most caring and compassionate doctor I have ever met. I knew we would be in great hands and that God gave her to us for a reason. I've attached a pic of Dr. Piper (in the blue scrubs) and her main nurse, Melissa, that was taken today since we didn't get a pic in the hospital. We can't thank them enough for everything!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July from Zoe

I bought this little onesie at Carter's for Zoe for her to wear on the 4th. As you can tell, she could care less about the 4th of July, but she sure looked cute wearing it. Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!

Hmmmm.....What is That?

We bought Zoe a new chair with tons of bright toys hanging off of it for her amusement. She can't quite figure out what all of it is just yet, but give her time! She'll have it figured out in no time!

Take Me to Grandma's........

Now Grandpa isn't the only one with a great sense of humor. Grandma loves "her baby" and while her and Grandpa were eating at Cracker Barrel, she came across this shirt for Zoe. Of course, it's too big for her to wear now, but she'll look cute wearing it later on. It says, "Take Me to Grandma's and Nobody Gets Hurt!" Too funny!

My First Trophies

As most of you know, Mark is an avid hunter of turkey and deer. While Grandma and Grandpa were down visiting, they stopped at Bass Pro Shops to pick up Daddy's belated birthday present. While they were there, Grandpa decided that Zoe needed to have her first trophies, which were actually deer and turkey trailer hitch covers. It was a great idea and they are displayed in her room. Grandpa sure does have a funny sense of humor!

Grandma & Grandpa Come to Visit

Yeah! Zoe's Grandma and Grandpa came down to visit on June 22, 2006. Needless to say, they are pretty crazy about her and plan to spoil her rotten! (As if she isn't already?!?) We can't wait for them to come down and visit again soon!

My Funny Faces

Zoe can make some pretty funny faces, especially while she's sleeping. She's got my mouth and does exactly what I do in my sleep. Daddy claims I even hold my lips like this while I'm awake so he blames me! Regardless, it's just funny!

I Love My Pacifier

While Zoe was in the NICU, they gave her a specific type of pacifier that they give to all their babies. They actually taste like vanilla and there was no way around not giving it to her. As a matter of fact, we had to go out and find this specific type of pacifier because she wouldn't take any other one. So, Daddy was really smart and bought several! She LOVES her pacifier. Poor Prince (our dog) will just have to "eat it" at some point and take full blame when it gets taken away eventually.

Sleeping with Daddy

Zoe LOVES sleeping on her Daddy! Secretly, I think Daddy enjoys it more than Zoe. I'll be holding Zoe and Daddy will say, "she'd probably rest easier if she were cuddling with Daddy." Yeah, right! Daddy would rest easier if he were cuddling with Zoe! It's too sweet and I find myself snapping pictures each time I catch them like this.

The Swaddle War

I don't know what it is.....but Zoe can literally get out of any swaddle. I'll think I've done really good and think to myself, "there's no way you're getting out of this one," but my little Houdini manages to get out of it every time. It amazes me. She'll be sound asleep and start working her arms out of her swaddle. I don't think I could swaddle her any tighter.........we might cut off some circulation! I just look at her and smile and laugh.

My First Diaper Change at Home with Daddy

Yes.....I'm extremely fortunate in that Daddy will change dirty diapers. He may not like it (he tends to gag when the smell gets to him), but he will change a dirty diaper. This is Zoe's first diaper change at home with Daddy. She was too cute and I couldn't resist. I'm sure she'll thank me later on when she gets older and realizes that Mommy stuck a naked picture of her on the Web. Oh well!

My Dr. Suess Hat

They gave Zoe this cute hat while she was in the NICU. I couldn't resist taking a picture of her hanging out with Daddy while she was wearing it. Enjoy!

My First Feeding

Poor little Zoe didn't get to actually eat until three days following her birth on May 28, 2006! She was STARVING and letting everyone in the NICU know about it. (I can't imagine where she gets being so vocal about things?!?) They can't just let a baby start eating as much as they want while in the NICU. They have to take things in steps so she started out drinking 5cc's, which isn't much, and they would increase her feedings by 5cc's every other feeding. Zoe was on a three hour schedule and was none to happy about being limited on what she could eat. Again, she let everyone know her displeasure! It was too funny!

Mommy's First Time Holding Me

Due to some complications I suffered following delivery, I didn't get to actually see Zoe until the following night. Let me tell you that was hard! Mark was great because he would go shoot video and take tons of pictures and bring them to me for me to see her. I didn't get to actually hold Zoe until May 28, 2006..........three days following her birth! That was extremely difficult. Anyway, I've attached a pic of the first time I got to hold her. Yes, I know I look great, but I had just had major surgery! I think she looks like me.....poor Daddy!


Following Zoe's birth, she was having a little trouble breathing and needed to go to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Of course, we were scared to death, but she was in great hands at Baptist. Everyone was wonderful and she only had to stay 8 days before she came home on Friday, June 2, 2006. She needed supplemental oxygen for three days and was very Jaundiced. She was too cute wearing her shades while under the phototherapy light. Anyway, things are great here at home now and Zoe is growing like a weed. I've attached a pic of her wearing her shades and of her spending time with her Daddy. Enjoy!

Welcome Zoe Elyse

She's here! After many doctor appointments and much anticipation, our little bundle of joy has finally arrived! We were scheduled for a C-section on June 1, 2006; however, Zoe wasn't taking quite as many "practice breaths" on ultrasound as Dr. Piper wanted to see and decided that May 25, 2006 was a great day for a birthday. Everything happened so quickly. Our appointment was at 8:30 a.m. and Zoe was delivered by C-section at 10:59 a.m. She weighed a healthy 7 pounds 1/2 ounce and was 20 1/2 inches long. What a blessing! We look at her and thank God every day. I've posted a pic of her following delivery. Enjoy!