.....my two front teeth! Yup, Zoe has gotten her two front teeth for Christmas. The second tooth in front broke through a few nights ago; however, we've been trying for a few days to get a picture of them. I've posted a pic showing Zoe clamping her mouth down so we couldn't see her teeth! It was hysterical! We finally just had to make her mad to get a picture of them. It's not the best picture, but you can definitely see them! Merry Christmas Eve!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa
This past weekend was our Christmas with my parents. We were scheduled to travel to grandma and grandpa's house, but Zoe's pediatrician advised against taking her out of her environment since she is finally in "a good place" healthwise. She felt like we finally had some control over the wheezing and that traveling to a different place could really affect her as far as the climate and a different house were concerned. We were really looking forward to going, but I'm fortunate to have such wonderful parents who didn't bat an eye at traveling down here instead. Their response....."we'll do whatever we need to for our baby." I can't brag on them enough. And they spoiled Zoe (and us) so much with gifts. Zoe's biggest gift definitely had to be her TMX Elmo they got for her. She just watches it and has started mocking some of Elmo's movements. That little guy is hilarious! I wish I had invented it since it has become the rage this Christmas. They actually bought it in September when there was an abundance of them. Of course, now you can't find them. Anyway, I've attached pics of our Christmas. We had such a wonderful time. We love Grandma and Grandpa!
Bath Time
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Bunny Slippers
I periodically have to go through Zoe's drawers because she is growing so fast that I have to constantly clean out clothes that are too small and replace them with new ones that fit. I found these bunny slippers at the very back of a drawer so we put them on her last night. It's a good thing I found them because they won't fit her too much longer! She kept yanking at them like she does her socks when she takes those off. When Daddy stood her up, she kept going up on her "tip toes" like a ballerina. The whole thing was pretty funny. You could tell she didn't know what to think of them!
My New High Chair
I've attached a pic of Zoe sitting in her new high chair. We don't really know if she likes it yet or not; however, when Daddy took this pic Zoe had been falling asleep. Of course, we took video and tried not to laugh too loud to wake her up, but by the time we took the pic our laughing had woke her up. She is too cute!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
My 6 Month Checkup
This past Monday, November 27, 2006, Zoe had her 6 month checkup with her pediatrician, Dr. Beveridge. She weighed in at a whopping 18lbs. 10 oz. and was 27 1/2 inches long! She is measuing in the 95th percentile for both height and weight! The poor thing also got five shots that she was none too happy about. Boy....they sure do make them feel bad. I'm happy to report that she seems to be feeling much better now; however, for a few days there she did not feel well at all.
We had an emergency situation come up with Zoe over Thanksgiving and ended up at the pediatrician's office that Saturday. She woke up Thanksgiving morning with her nose running (which has never happened) and then she started coughing a ton and started the whole wheezing process again. Saturday morning when we tried to give her a breathing treatment the nebulizer was broke!!!! Mommy was beside herself, talked to the doctor on call and we had Zoe at their office by the time they opened at 9:00 a.m. Come to find out, she had an ear infection in both ears! Ugh! Who knew? She didn't even act like anything was wrong! Thank goodness those aren't contagious, but it was still one more sickness to add to our growing list! Zoe has now been diagnosed as asthmatic and we are on breathing treatments indefinitely, along with daily doses of Singulair. I was pretty upset about it, but Mark and I have tried to put everything into perspective. Most of the time, kids grow out of it when they have episodes this young. It's no guarantee that Zoe will grow out of it, but we just have to stay positive. Asthma is also the most common childhood condition so it is not at all uncommon for Zoe to have it. I just hated to hear it because as parents, Mark and I don't want a thing to be wrong with our child. We just keep thinking that it could always be something worse and that we should be thankful for what we have. And we are! We have a beautiful baby girl and you can't imagine how spoiled she is already. Oh well! We always wanted two children and we feel like we have had our two.....even though our little Taylor Grace didn't get to stay here with us. She is always in our thoughts and we know she is always watching out for Mommy, Daddy and her baby sister Zoe. I would just ask that you all say prayers that Zoe will continue to get better.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Zoe the Acrobat
I told all of you previously that Zoe has started rolling everywhere. I was on the computer updating her blog and responding to long overdue e-mails when I went in her bedroom to check on her. The first time she had kicked her sleep positioner out of the way and had turned almost completely upside down in her bed. The next time I went in to check on her, she had completely rolled over and was on her stomach in the corner. She's a wild woman!

On Her Stomach
My First Deer Picture
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Daddy and I started a tradition years ago......we always put up the Christmas Tree Thanksgiving night. This year was a whole lot more special since we are so blessed to have Zoe Elyse. She LOVED the lights and she LOVED the ornaments. Oh.....Zoe started rolling everywhere Thanksgiving day and she also managed to roll right underneath the Christmas Tree. It's amazing how much they change in one day! I've attached pics for your enjoyment!

Thursday, November 23, 2006
When Daddy Changes My Diaper
Who Do I Look Like?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I'm A Princess.....

Since poor Zoe had gotten so sick, our friends Bill and Rosann Hurst bought her this little outfit. It says "Princess" across the front, but what is really cute is what the tag says on the inside: (1) Put on Mommy's High Heels; (2) Put on Pearls; (3) Apply Lip Gloss; and (4) Admire in Mirror! Again, she was a ham wearing this outfit! What a sweet and thoughtful gift! We love it!
Where's My Candy?

Poor Zoe has been so sick with bronchiolitis, etc., that she hasn't gotten to wear all of her Halloween outfits. This sweatshirt was sent to her by her Aunt Patty and Uncle Steve. It is sooo cute and she was a ham when I put it on her. The pumpkin was given to her by her Aunt Julie and Cousin Shyla! She just stares at it and grabs for it. It's perfect because she will be able to carry it next year when she goes trick or treating! Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
My Breathing Treatments

Our poor Zoe has been really sick. She ended up having a cold that developed into bronchiolitis, which can be very serious in an infant. Anyway, Zoe ended up having to do breathing treatments and she felt so bad that she just sat there and breathed in the medicine through her mask. I've attached a pic of our little cutie. I'm happy to report that we went back to the pediatrician on October 31st to have her lungs checked again and she is doing much better! Her lungs are MUCH better. Thank God!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Getting Ready for Halloween!

I bought Zoe a onesie that says "Daddy's Little Pumpkin" that she wore to daycare yesterday. I also bought a Halloween hat and bib! (I couldn't help myself.) Just wanted to share cute little Zoe. She still has her cold and was so over having her picture taken! I wonder where she gets these faces from? You get one guess.......
What Happens When Daddy Watches Me

This past weekend Zoe got sick with a cold. It's actually a pretty bad one. She sounds like a60 year old man that has smoked for 40 years. So, Mommy took her to see the pediatrician and then she spent the day at home with Daddy. I've attached a few pics of what happens when Zoe stays at home with Daddy. As you can see, she doesn't match, the pad has been removed from the changing table (you can imagine what accident happened for it to be removed) and she has food all over her from eating lunch! Daddy called Mommy at work and said, "We need you to come home because Mommy does it better!" It was hysterical! Daddy did a GREAT job with Zoe (as always), but this was too funny not to share!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I Really Like Carrots

We started feeding Zoe cereal with a spoon on September 26, 2006. Our pediatrician told us that once she got the hang of eating cereal with a spoon to start introducting her to vegetables and fruits. We decided to go with the vegetables first and tonight we tried carrots. A really good friend gave me some great advice....to mix the carrots with her cereal until she gets used to the texture and flavor. It was GREAT advice because she ate every bite! She loved it. I've attached pics of her eating her carrots. Enjoy!
Zoe....The Eskimo

As my last post explained, it was very cold here Friday so I had to dress Zoe up warmly. That meant putting her new winter coat on her before we went to daycare. She reminded me of Ralphie's little brother in "A Christmas Story." For those of you who have seen it, you'll appreciate my humor. It was too funny!
My Squirrel Outfit
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Playin' with My Exersaucer

Zoe loves her exersaucer and, particularly, this one toy on it that spins and plays nursery rhymes. I had to take a pic of her playing with it. She gets very excited by it. Oh, by the way, Zoe is now rolling around. She has been rolling from her stomach to her back for quite some time and has rolled from her back to her stomach only a couple of times. That latter one takes a lot more coordination to accomplish. Anyway, Zoe has just started rolling A LOT. You can't place her on her back in the floor anymore without her rolling to her stomach and vice versa. If you don't watch her closely, she rolls right off her blankets now. I'm sure if we didn't stop her she would keep on going!
Watching Football with Daddy

I don't know what else to say, but Zoe loves to watch TV. It's funny because every Saturday her and Daddy lay around on the couch and watch college football. I finally remembered to grab the camera and snap some pics. I don't know what other 4 1/2 month old would be so content to lay around and watch football, but she is! And we don't even own any "baby videos" for her to watch. She's too cute!
The Bumbo

We bought Zoe a new seat called a "Bumbo." This seat is supposed to help build strength to help her sit up on her own. I was kind of skeptical about it, but it is an amazing seat. It really works and Zoe loves it. Daddy decided to feed her cereal in it instead of in her bouncy seat. It was amazing to see her just sitting up like this.
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